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Product feature: Custom Trading Hours on ProRealTime




Hello IG Community

ProRealTime is an advanced charting software and trading platform. ProRealTime's high quality charts, analytic tools and reliable market data received directly from the exchanges make it a powerful decision support tool. 

Our first product feature is custom trading hours on ProRealTime.
We will cover how to enable custom trading hours and weekend data, how the setting affects market groups and how to adjust your charts to reflect historic dividend and rollover adjustments.

Custom Trading hours

Custom trading hours can be customized by right clicking anywhere on your opened chart and then select custom trading hours. As shown below highlighted in yellow and circled in red:



After you select custom trading hours the following settings page will popup as shown below:



Time zone used for data displayed in the platform

Time zones selected modify the time zones used to display data displayed in the application. The time zones chosen affects all data including times displayed in charts, order lists and tick by tick lists.




Trading hours

Trading hours determines the range of time for which data is displayed on intraday charts. If you want to display all available data, you should choose the first option. The second option can be used to restrict the amount of dat displayed in charts to include less time than is displayed by default. The times chosen in this section are always based on the market's default time zone (regardless of whether a custom time zone has been set for the market or not). The beginning time must always be earlier than the ending time (ex: from 06:00 to 21:00). This option only affects charts and not lists of instruments or tick by tick lists.




Weekend and Daily data

Weekend data: This option lets you display or hide weekend data (Saturday and Sunday). The official market time zone is used to determine what data is included in "weekend data".

Daily Data: When this box is checked, non-intraday candlesticks (open, high, low and close information for daily, weekly, monthly and yearly time frames) will be created based on intraday data only during the time period and time zones selected. Warning: using intraday quotes to create daily timeframe and higher candlesticks may reduce the amount of historical data that can be displayed.





Historical adjusted to dividends and rollovers

These options are used to adjust historical data after dividends for stocks or on rollover for continuous futures. Adjusted historical data is used in technical analysis to remove gaps that cause disturbance in trend lines and technical analysis indicators. Our data maintenance services constantly monitor the markets to detect these dividends and rollovers in order to make these adjustments to historical data.




If you have any suggestions of features that you would like us to cover in future from the platforms that IG offers we would love to hear from you.


For more information on ProRealTime platform kindly visit and click this link: Trading Platform PRT 


All the best,



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