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Morning Thoughts + Custom Trading Ranges For The Day

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Welcome Back Bumpkins 

That’s Q1 done! It wasn’t the sexiest for equities, but, for the most part, the first 3 months are done. Yields have had their best quarter in what feels like forever, and that has buoyed the dollar – The consensus ‘short dollar in 2021’ trade is steam rolling a lot of funds. 

The USA wants to do infrastructure + OPEC came up with no recommendation for ministers (who sit down today), this should come as no surprise given that they’ve failed to agree on a recommendation on the last 4 meetings. These are political decisions as much as anything else, and that is where the ministerial brinkmanship comes in.

Lastly, France is on Lockdown (AGAIN)!

As we have seen before, in the world of Covid containment, action begets action, and we now look for other EU members to follow France’s renewed stricter stance. Germany is a prime candidate. 

Here are custom trading ranges for today ( I tend to buy at the towards the lower range and sell towards the higher range)

^VXN (Bearish) 22.633 - 27.42  prev. close: 24.89
AAP (Bullish) 177.617 - 191.911  prev. close: 183.49
AAPL (Bearish) 117.518 - 127.129  prev. close: 122.15
ABNB (Bullish) 168.675 - 212.147  prev. close: 187.94
ACM (Bullish) 60.829 - 66.408  prev. close: 64.11
ADBE (Bullish) 453.77 - 487.746  prev. close: 475.37
ALB (Bearish) 140.288 - 155.205  prev. close: 146.11
AMLP (Bullish) 28.44 - 31.379  prev. close: 30.5
AMZN (Bearish) 2990.039 - 3181.736  prev. close: 3094.08
ARKG (Bearish) 81.701 - 94.102  prev. close: 88.73
ARKK (Bearish) 109.375 - 127.576  prev. close: 119.95
ASBFY (Bullish) 31.132 - 34.651  prev. close: 33.28
AU (Bearish) 19.445 - 23.056  prev. close: 21.97
AUDJPY (Bullish) 82.08 - 85.057  prev. close: 84.13
BA (Bullish) 233.337 - 277.077  prev. close: 254.72
BABA (Bearish) 215.561 - 239.282  prev. close: 226.73
BAL (Bearish) 43.046 - 47.683  prev. close: 45.77
BFI (Bullish) 14.963 - 16.641  prev. close: 15.41
BFT (Bearish) 14.049 - 16.779  prev. close: 15.1
BIGC (Bearish) 52.087 - 60.473  prev. close: 57.8
BIZD (Bullish) 15.743 - 16.659  prev. close: 16.2
BKNG (Bullish) 2134.961 - 2435.323  prev. close: 2329.84
BLNK (Bearish) 34.395 - 47.18  prev. close: 41.1
BLOK (Bullish) 48.829 - 60.67  prev. close: 55.84
BSPE (Bearish) 9.818 - 10.288  prev. close: 9.96
BUD (Bearish) 61.145 - 65.007  prev. close: 62.85
BYD (Bullish) 54.308 - 63.489  prev. close: 58.96
C (Bullish) 69.11 - 74.652  prev. close: 72.75
CBOE (Bullish) 95.15 - 101.576  prev. close: 98.69
CCJ (Bullish) 15.284 - 19.431  prev. close: 16.61
CCL (Bullish) 23.346 - 29.478  prev. close: 26.54
CDEV (Bullish) 3.018 - 4.941  prev. close: 4.2
CENX (Bullish) 14.542 - 19.782  prev. close: 17.66
CEW (Bearish) 17.659 - 18.127  prev. close: 17.89
CFG (Bullish) 41.42 - 46.173  prev. close: 44.15
CFRUY (Bullish) 9.412 - 10.122  prev. close: 9.77
CHWY (Bearish) 73.134 - 87.892  prev. close: 80.38
CL (Bearish) 76.531 - 80.88  prev. close: 78.83
CL=F (Bullish) 54.793 - 62.619  prev. close: 59.49
CLF (Bullish) 14.742 - 21.378  prev. close: 20.11
CLSK (Bearish) 16.73 - 27.455  prev. close: 23.82
CLVR (Bearish) 9.838 - 12.482  prev. close: 10.29
CNQ (Bullish) 28.279 - 32.037  prev. close: 30.87
COF (Bullish) 119.686 - 132.025  prev. close: 127.23
CORN (Bullish) 16.367 - 17.649  prev. close: 17.53
COST (Bullish) 336.912 - 362.977  prev. close: 352.48
CPER (Bullish) 24.068 - 25.406  prev. close: 24.62
CPPMF (Bullish) 2.194 - 2.753  prev. close: 2.48
CPRI (Bullish) 45.528 - 54.223  prev. close: 51.0
CRBP (Bearish) 1.695 - 2.246  prev. close: 1.97
CRWD (Bearish) 168.554 - 198.43  prev. close: 182.51
CTVA (Bullish) 45.265 - 48.281  prev. close: 46.62
CUT (Bullish) 35.002 - 36.805  prev. close: 35.915
CVX (Bullish) 98.904 - 108.875  prev. close: 104.79
CWB (Bearish) 79.994 - 86.244  prev. close: 83.35
D (Bullish) 74.26 - 77.625  prev. close: 75.96
DAO (Bearish) 20.982 - 29.842  prev. close: 23.82
DASH (Bearish) 120.708 - 140.031  prev. close: 131.13
DB (Bullish) 11.683 - 12.599  prev. close: 12.0
DBI (Bullish) 14.442 - 18.735  prev. close: 17.4
DD (Neutral) 74.573 - 79.454  prev. close: 77.28
DDOG (Bearish) 76.095 - 89.65  prev. close: 83.34
DDS (Bullish) 84.916 - 104.067  prev. close: 96.57
DE (Bullish) 352.663 - 387.887  prev. close: 374.14
DHI (Bullish) 84.376 - 93.776  prev. close: 89.12
DIS (Bullish) 178.893 - 188.171  prev. close: 184.52
DKNG (Bullish) 55.375 - 67.436  prev. close: 61.33
DLTR (Bullish) 108.746 - 117.876  prev. close: 114.46
DNN (Bearish) 0.938 - 1.37  prev. close: 1.09
DPST (Bullish) 190.842 - 256.648  prev. close: 231.67
DPZ (Bullish) 360.741 - 378.86  prev. close: 367.79
DRIO (Bearish) 16.63 - 23.985  prev. close: 19.26
DUFRY (Bullish) 5.933 - 7.424  prev. close: 6.805
DUK (Bullish) 94.983 - 98.566  prev. close: 96.53
DUSL (Bullish) 34.93 - 41.381  prev. close: 39.12
DUST (Bullish) 19.997 - 23.735  prev. close: 22.33
EMR (Bullish) 86.265 - 93.086  prev. close: 90.22
EOSE (Bearish) 16.281 - 23.149  prev. close: 19.72
ETHUSD (Bullish) 1616 - 2010  prev. close: 1937
EURUSD (Bearish) 1.165 - 1.184  prev. close: 1.172
EWA (Neutral) 24.287 - 25.199  prev. close: 24.79
EWG (Bullish) 32.678 - 33.905  prev. close: 33.44
EWI (Bullish) 30.823 - 31.854  prev. close: 31.51
EWJ (Bearish) 67.075 - 70.932  prev. close: 68.52
EWN (Bullish) 44.978 - 47.125  prev. close: 46.15
EWP (Neutral) 26.748 - 27.902  prev. close: 27.39
EWS (Bullish) 22.976 - 23.779  prev. close: 23.42
EWT (Bullish) 57.855 - 61.573  prev. close: 59.96
EWU (Bullish) 30.54 - 31.843  prev. close: 31.31
EWW (Bullish) 42.202 - 44.974  prev. close: 43.83
EWY (Bearish) 85.962 - 92.16  prev. close: 89.7
EXPC (Bearish) 9.736 - 12.066  prev. close: 10.29
EXPE (Bullish) 159.698 - 187.859  prev. close: 172.12
EYE (Bearish) 39.939 - 46.135  prev. close: 43.83
FANG (Bullish) 67.079 - 77.89  prev. close: 73.49
FAS (Bullish) 81.651 - 96.943  prev. close: 90.87
FCX (Bullish) 29.763 - 35.843  prev. close: 32.93
FISV (Bullish) 118.219 - 122.579  prev. close: 119.04
FLR (Bullish) 19.277 - 26.165  prev. close: 23.09
FNV (Bullish) 121.897 - 132.945  prev. close: 125.29
FXB (Neutral) 131.247 - 133.88  prev. close: 133.04
FXC (Neutral) 77.452 - 79.341  prev. close: 78.16
FXE (Bearish) 109.142 - 110.975  prev. close: 109.87
FXF (Bearish) 95.35 - 97.572  prev. close: 96.12
GDRX (Bearish) 33.268 - 41.878  prev. close: 39.02
GDX (Bearish) 31.449 - 34.213  prev. close: 32.5
GH (Neutral) 135.514 - 160.462  prev. close: 152.65
GM (Bullish) 54.34 - 60.809  prev. close: 57.46
GME (Bearish) 79.087 - 252.86  prev. close: 189.82
GOLD (Bearish) 19.166 - 20.876  prev. close: 19.8
GRWG (Bearish) 39.429 - 56.99  prev. close: 49.69
GS (Bullish) 317.338 - 338.542  prev. close: 327.0
GUSH (Bullish) 58.033 - 76.769  prev. close: 70.47
HIBL (Bearish) 46.092 - 61.63  prev. close: 56.4
HMMJ.TRT (Bearish) 11.282 - 13.826  prev. close: 12.23
HON (Bullish) 208.856 - 222.85  prev. close: 217.07
HZNP (Bullish) 79.268 - 94.764  prev. close: 92.04
IHRT (Bullish) 15.517 - 20.595  prev. close: 18.15
IIPR (Bearish) 163.479 - 200.289  prev. close: 180.16
INDA (Bullish) 40.346 - 43.186  prev. close: 42.18
INDL (Bullish) 43.16 - 49.204  prev. close: 47.08
IP (Bullish) 51.26 - 56.396  prev. close: 54.07
IPI (Bullish) 27.659 - 36.567  prev. close: 32.56
IRDM (Bearish) 36.185 - 42.406  prev. close: 41.25
IVOL (Neutral) 28.487 - 28.871  prev. close: 28.58
IWF (Neutral) 236.868 - 248.082  prev. close: 243.04
IWO (Bearish) 281.059 - 313.553  prev. close: 300.74
JD (Bearish) 76.936 - 86.011  prev. close: 84.33
JDST (Bullish) 10.814 - 13.386  prev. close: 12.29
JO (Bearish) 34.6 - 37.311  prev. close: 35.82
JPM (Bullish) 145.884 - 156.513  prev. close: 152.23
KBA (Bearish) 42.587 - 45.769  prev. close: 44.24
KMI (Bullish) 15.79 - 17.299  prev. close: 16.65
KRE (Bullish) 62.489 - 68.723  prev. close: 66.34
LABU (Bearish) 56.841 - 94.036  prev. close: 78.92
LB (Bullish) 57.485 - 67.347  prev. close: 61.86
LEN (Bullish) 94.567 - 113.099  prev. close: 101.23
LIN (Bullish) 272.791 - 287.737  prev. close: 280.14
LIND (Bullish) 16.315 - 19.805  prev. close: 18.9
LMNR (Bullish) 15.437 - 18.195  prev. close: 17.5
LOTZ (Bearish) 6.411 - 8.202  prev. close: 7.13
LQD (Bearish) 128.327 - 130.76  prev. close: 130.05
MA (Bullish) 338.036 - 366.39  prev. close: 356.05
MAIFF (Bullish) 0.441 - 0.559  prev. close: 0.508
MARA (Bullish) 33.453 - 52.723  prev. close: 48.02
MAXR (Bearish) 29.687 - 41.604  prev. close: 37.82
MDC (Bullish) 54.106 - 61.696  prev. close: 59.4
MLLCF (Bearish) 23.103 - 27.486  prev. close: 24.01
MO (Bullish) 49.771 - 53.489  prev. close: 51.16
MOS (Bullish) 29.082 - 33.002  prev. close: 31.61
MP (Bearish) 27.497 - 43.096  prev. close: 35.95
MRO (Bullish) 9.434 - 11.344  prev. close: 10.68
MS (Bullish) 75.08 - 80.55  prev. close: 77.66
MSFT (Bullish) 228.882 - 241.686  prev. close: 235.77
MSOS (Bearish) 38.672 - 46.443  prev. close: 42.4
MSTR (Bearish) 561.669 - 738.528  prev. close: 678.8
MTDR (Bullish) 20.611 - 25.183  prev. close: 23.45
MTUM (Bearish) 154.899 - 165.9  prev. close: 160.86
NCMI (Bullish) 3.849 - 5.325  prev. close: 4.62
NEE (Bearish) 70.646 - 77.698  prev. close: 75.61
NEM (Neutral) 58.535 - 64.329  prev. close: 60.27
NIB (Bearish) 28.573 - 30.199  prev. close: 29.31
NIO (Bearish) 34.211 - 43.339  prev. close: 38.98
NLY (Neutral) 8.453 - 8.807  prev. close: 8.6
NORW (Bullish) 13.313 - 14.0  prev. close: 13.85
NVDA (Neutral) 500.49 - 558.349  prev. close: 533.93
NVR (Bullish) 4373.583 - 4850.019  prev. close: 4710.93
ONEM (Bearish) 35.462 - 42.533  prev. close: 39.08
ORLY (Bullish) 496.444 - 517.979  prev. close: 507.25
OSTK (Bearish) 55.481 - 75.775  prev. close: 66.26
OUST (Bearish) 7.096 - 9.869  prev. close: 8.5
OXY (Bullish) 24.024 - 28.224  prev. close: 26.62
PCT (Bullish) 22.378 - 32.553  prev. close: 25.5
PDD (Bearish) 112.627 - 148.547  prev. close: 133.88
PENN (Bearish) 90.973 - 118.853  prev. close: 104.84
PEP (Bullish) 137.095 - 146.818  prev. close: 141.45
PG (Bullish) 132.248 - 139.461  prev. close: 135.43
PHM (Bullish) 48.765 - 55.266  prev. close: 52.44
PINS (Bearish) 67.603 - 78.438  prev. close: 74.03
PLCE (Bullish) 64.48 - 75.463  prev. close: 69.7
PLTR (Bearish) 20.477 - 25.436  prev. close: 23.29
PLUG (Bearish) 28.835 - 40.469  prev. close: 35.84
POAHY (Bullish) 9.608 - 12.014  prev. close: 10.63
PSCE (Bullish) 5.579 - 6.606  prev. close: 6.31
PTON (Bearish) 99.022 - 120.109  prev. close: 112.44
PXD (Bullish) 151.04 - 168.97  prev. close: 158.82
PYPL (Bearish) 229.875 - 254.308  prev. close: 242.84
QCOM (Bearish) 126.001 - 137.17  prev. close: 132.59
RAIL (Bullish) 3.78 - 7.729  prev. close: 6.595
REKR (Bullish) 16.461 - 24.07  prev. close: 19.99
REMX (Bearish) 65.589 - 80.762  prev. close: 74.99
RH (Bullish) 522.052 - 651.941  prev. close: 596.6
RIG (Bullish) 2.848 - 3.691  prev. close: 3.55
RIOT (Bullish) 39.923 - 61.567  prev. close: 53.27
ROAD (Bearish) 25.074 - 32.286  prev. close: 29.88
ROKU (Bearish) 291.437 - 346.505  prev. close: 325.77
RRR (Bullish) 31.464 - 35.325  prev. close: 32.59
RSX (Bullish) 24.171 - 27.016  prev. close: 25.81
RYTM (Bearish) 19.026 - 23.291  prev. close: 21.27
SAVE (Bullish) 32.959 - 39.938  prev. close: 36.9
SE (Bearish) 191.191 - 242.09  prev. close: 223.23
SFIX (Bearish) 42.52 - 59.672  prev. close: 49.54
SGRY (Bullish) 40.192 - 46.711  prev. close: 44.26
SLB (Bullish) 25.613 - 28.55  prev. close: 27.19
SLCA (Bullish) 10.354 - 12.925  prev. close: 12.29
SM (Bullish) 13.874 - 18.693  prev. close: 16.37
SNOW (Bearish) 203.737 - 247.933  prev. close: 229.28
SOYB (Bullish) 20.45 - 21.742  prev. close: 21.62
SPHB (Bullish) 65.347 - 71.64  prev. close: 69.53
SQ (Bearish) 200.007 - 250.283  prev. close: 227.05
STKL (Bullish) 13.265 - 16.552  prev. close: 14.77
STM (Neutral) 36.725 - 40.44  prev. close: 38.33
SU (Bullish) 19.016 - 22.111  prev. close: 20.9
SUM (Bullish) 25.041 - 29.97  prev. close: 28.02
TBT (Bullish) 20.617 - 23.06  prev. close: 21.74
TCS (Bullish) 14.524 - 19.255  prev. close: 16.64
TMHC (Bullish) 28.599 - 32.606  prev. close: 30.81
TMUS (Neutral) 121.204 - 127.444  prev. close: 125.29
TNA (Bullish) 71.485 - 99.543  prev. close: 89.51
TOL (Bullish) 52.265 - 60.292  prev. close: 56.73
TPR (Bullish) 38.439 - 44.657  prev. close: 41.21
TQQQ (Bearish) 82.746 - 98.381  prev. close: 91.26
TSLA (Bearish) 602.134 - 706.683  prev. close: 667.93
TSM (Bearish) 107.918 - 124.762  prev. close: 118.28
TUR (Bearish) 18.78 - 25.556  prev. close: 22.99
TWLO (Bearish) 304.835 - 375.608  prev. close: 340.76
TWTR (Bullish) 58.651 - 69.09  prev. close: 63.63
UBOT (Bearish) 36.138 - 42.003  prev. close: 39.79
UGA (Bullish) 28.791 - 32.898  prev. close: 31.51
UPRO (Bullish) 84.376 - 94.014  prev. close: 90.34
UPS (Bullish) 160.363 - 174.203  prev. close: 169.99
UPST (Bullish) 88.43 - 228.384  prev. close: 128.86
URA (Bullish) 17.743 - 21.015  prev. close: 18.83
URTY (Bullish) 84.986 - 118.459  prev. close: 106.57
USDCAD (Neutral) 1.236 - 1.267  prev. close: 1.256
USDJPY (Bullish) 109.397 - 111.097  prev. close: 110.761
USDRUB (Bullish) 74.18 - 77.924  prev. close: 75.558
UUUU (Neutral) 5.06 - 7.377  prev. close: 5.68
UYM (Bullish) 80.968 - 93.832  prev. close: 88.41
V (Neutral) 197.689 - 216.148  prev. close: 211.73
VEDL (Bullish) 11.781 - 12.975  prev. close: 12.57
VMC (Bullish) 156.23 - 175.668  prev. close: 168.75
VWAGY (Bullish) 29.621 - 49.358  prev. close: 36.3
WEAT (Bearish) 5.8 - 6.067  prev. close: 6.01
WM (Bullish) 124.021 - 132.93  prev. close: 129.02
WMT (Bearish) 131.47 - 137.989  prev. close: 135.83
WOOF (Bearish) 20.537 - 24.389  prev. close: 22.16
X (Bullish) 19.365 - 29.233  prev. close: 26.17
XEG.TRT (Bullish) 6.947 - 7.795  prev. close: 7.53
XL (Bearish) 8.081 - 10.603  prev. close: 8.98
XM (Bearish) 30.643 - 34.795  prev. close: 32.91
XME (Bullish) 35.888 - 41.887  prev. close: 39.92
XOM (Bullish) 52.528 - 57.986  prev. close: 55.83
XOP (Bullish) 74.358 - 84.851  prev. close: 81.34
YETI (Bullish) 64.387 - 78.212  prev. close: 72.21
YEXT (Bearish) 13.144 - 16.17  prev. close: 14.48
ZEB.TRT (Bullish) 32.8 - 33.621  prev. close: 33.15
ZM (Bearish) 295.575 - 342.588  prev. close: 321.29

Best of luck out there !!




Edited by Courage
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