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Really new to IG and could use some help with Basics

Guest muzzraouf

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Guest muzzraouf

Hi, I'm really new to IG but I have two questions.

Sorry if these seem basic but first of all I was wondering why when I type in certain stocks they don't appear? Are there only a specific amount of stocks you can access?

Second some stocks don't allow you to buy if your using leverage is their a way to disable this?

I'm using a demo account (Paper trading) so is their any differences that is causing these problems?



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Hi @muzzraouf

Thanks for the question

If the share you search for does not appear it would mean we do not offer it. This could be because it trades on an exchange we do not offer, or the share does not satisfy our shares desk risk criteria, or it could be one that we have not considered yet. For live account traders we do offer the option to request to have a stock added, which would then be considered against our risk criteria. 

Some stocks we do not offer on leverage, again this would be because the share is not considered appropriate for leverage by our shares desk. Unfortunately this is something you cant change. 



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Guest muzzraouf
8 minutes ago, AndaIG said:

Hi @muzzraouf

Thanks for the question

If the share you search for does not appear it would mean we do not offer it. This could be because it trades on an exchange we do not offer, or the share does not satisfy our shares desk risk criteria, or it could be one that we have not considered yet. For live account traders we do offer the option to request to have a stock added, which would then be considered against our risk criteria. 

Some stocks we do not offer on leverage, again this would be because the share is not considered appropriate for leverage by our shares desk. Unfortunately this is something you cant change. 



Thanks for the information, just wondering if I was to request a stock how long would the process take in which you would consider it?


P.S I know this isn't related but for some reason despite making profit in the demo account my funds go down? Is this a bug or am I missing something obvious?

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14 hours ago, Guest muzzraouf said:

Thanks for the information, just wondering if I was to request a stock how long would the process take in which you would consider it?


P.S I know this isn't related but for some reason despite making profit in the demo account my funds go down? Is this a bug or am I missing something obvious?

Hi muzzraouf, 

You can request a stock on the post below:


We will submit the request straight away to the dealing desk. If eligible it will be added roughly within 2-3 days.

All the best - Arvin

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