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UK house prices expected to stagnate rather than fall

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Despite ferocious economic headwinds, Guy Harrington, CEO at challenger lender Glenhawk, says he sees UK house prices holding up.

While he concedes the political landscape is difficult to determine, with inflation expected to hit 11% later in the year, this will naturally deliver some respite around affordability.





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  • 1 month later...

Real estate prices in Britain were frozen for some time. I noticed this at the beginning of the lockdown period. I believe these prices freeze was because people stopped moving around the country for work, traveling, and visiting government offices too often.

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On 24/08/2022 at 01:53, Adi11aQ said:

Real estate prices in Britain were frozen for some time. I noticed this at the beginning of the lockdown period. I believe these prices freeze was because people stopped moving around the country for work, traveling, and visiting government offices too often.

So this halt in the rise in real estate prices was expected. Despite this halt and respite, I sold my house in 2021. I took a long time to choose buyers. I didn't want any of my buyers to resell my house later for a higher price. So I found a buyer and a builder all in one. The representative from Flagship Builders promised me so much money that I was able to buy another house in another part of the country right away.

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  • 8 months later...

When inflation rises, it often leads to an increase in wages as well. People demand higher salaries to keep up with the rising costs of goods and services. So, while it may feel like our wallets are taking a hit, it could mean that we have more money in our pockets to tackle those housing prices. But let's not forget, my friend, that the housing market can be influenced by various factors. Economic headwinds can change direction in the blink of an eye. It's always a good idea to keep an eye on the latest trends and insights. If you're eager to dive deeper into this topic and stay on top of the game, I recommend checking out They've got some cool info that could shed light on how the housing market has evolved over the past year and what lies ahead.

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  • 2 months later...

I couldn't resist chiming in on this exciting discussion about the UK housing market. As someone who's been passionate about real estate, it's always intriguing to see how the market weathers economic storms. I must admit, I've been closely monitoring the ups and downs of the property world, and it's heartening to hear Guy Harrington's insights on UK house prices holding steady. With all the uncertainty, this news brings a glimmer of hope.

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On a more personal note, I've been daydreaming about expanding my investment horizons beyond my local market. The idea of exploring an opportunity for international investment property has been dancing in my mind lately. There's something thrilling about venturing into different real estate landscapes and embracing new opportunities."

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