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[CLOSED] December 'Contributor of the Month' competition - prizes to be won


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This is now closed and the thread is locked. Winners will be announced shortly. 


The first Contributor of the Month award in November was a success, with a total of £500's worth of gift vouchers and trading books given out. We want to repeat this in December as our way of saying thank you for the Communities continued involvement, assistance, market discussion, and trade idea conversation!


The rules are similar to before. We will be selecting our favorite contributor to the IG community based on both the quantity and quality of their posts. This means the winner won’t necessarily be the person who posts the most messages, but someone who has really helped to bring the community to life.



1st place (the winner) will receive a £200* gift voucher and £50* worth of trading books. ** 

2nd place will receive a £125* gift voucher and £50* worth of trading books. **


Ways to increase your chances of being Contributor of the Month

  • Posting quality content across a broad range of topics. 
  • Helping others, as well as giving and receiving ‘Accepted Solutions’ and ‘Likes’.
  • Asking question to IG Community, submitting feedback to IG, and generally getting involved!

3rd place will receive a £75* gift voucher.


If you're new to IG Community, or trading in general, it may be daunting to post trade ideas and market discussion. We have therefore reserved the 3rd place prize for someone who;

  • Introduces themselves to the IG Community 
  • Submits feedback on IG's offering (e.g. feedback on our platform, apps, deal execution etc)
  • Asks any number of questions they like (e.g. how to trade, how to use a certain feature etc)



We’ll be running this throughout the calendar month of December 2017 with the winner picked in the New Year. The winner will also have the 'Contributor of the Month' badge added to their profile and a special icon next to your name for the proceeding month so all Community members are aware of your contributions. The competition is subject to our terms and conditions.


If you have any questions please ask below.


All the best
Community Manager


* - Or the AUD, SGD, ZAR equivalent

** - Or a donation of the price sum equivalent to Unicef

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Amit Ruparelia here. I have been trading for many years with IG markets; having switched from Saxo bank. I found the latter to be a very clunky and expensive platform to use, and worst of all, the most appalling customer service I have ever experienced. They were never sure whether they genuinely had a Uk subsidiary in its own right, or whether it was just done for tax, legal and regulatory requirements. Customer service (albeit an 0800 number) would invariably be routed to Copenhagen who would say that they were just a call handler and would re route the call to London office. Sometimes the calls went completely unaswered and were routed back to Copenhagen and so went the merry go round, as the markets continued to “wait for no man”. They had excessive charges and, as many of you will have noticed, their margin and collateral requirements appear to go up on an almost weekly basis, even when there are no particularly market moving volatile events of the week! This can be extremely disconcerting when one has a strategy, open positions and sufficient margin and safety coverage, only to find another pinged email saying that they were increasing their margin requirements on hundreds of instruments WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT. This often happened when one was not watching their account and markets remained fairly sanguine with low volatility. By contrast over the years I have found IGs customer service to be the best, regardless of whether I am talking to someone in Hong Kong , Singapore, Australia or London. The staff are always knowledgable, smart, professional. I can’t think of an instance when they haven’t sorted the issue to my satisfaction, even when the mistake was inadvertently mine. Hats off to IGs customer focussed, GENUINELY global customer service and competitive margin rates. This is my genuine experience and I have not been paid by IG to say this. In fact I have put my money where my mouth is by introducing three HNW family members to IG markets. They have been equally pleased and want to invest more with IG. As a genuine professional trader for over 15 years, I can genuinely say, I wouldn’t go back to the shambles that is Saxobank EVEN IF THEY PAID ME!

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Guest oilfxpro

I have been a trade at IG for 20 years , the service is good.


My only problem is the overnight spreads and trading off the market , when the exchanges are closed, this may result in stops being hit with overnight  volatility .I found a solution to it by trading options, my options purchased can never be closed by I G overnight , unless I am over trading which I don't do.

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