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I find it very frutrating when I send an email to IG using the Help\Tech Support Form (copy attached) and when a reply comes back (usually promptly, thank you) there is no copy of what I originally sent iin?


I got a reply recently by a well meaning Customer Service person saying ... the issue has been advised to the developers ... I'm left wondering ... which issue, I've sent a few in.


A few days ago I was misunderstood (no biggy, it happens, that's life) but it left me thinking ... what did I say on that Tech Support Form, maybe I didn't make it clear??


I''ve taken to doing a screen shot of my completed Tech Supp form, but then this means I have to maintain a filing system for these and even then I have check back to find whichever issue IG are emailng me back about.


It all seems frusturating and wasteful of my time and customer serviice time etc etc.


Please tell me I am not the only one who finds this lack of a copy of emails included with replies? it's a standard feature of most email clients and for a very very good reason.


So come on IG ... why don't you include a copy of the oriiginal email when you reply?




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 This is probably my main gripe with IG Support. I get responses back all the time that I have no idea what the support rep is responding to.The moment that you've queried more than one thing, the response can be on anything. There is no ticket number, problem description, or anything in the correspondence that you receive, or something to tie everything together if there is more than one response from IG.


This also does not happen only when you send something via ProRealTime; same thing happens when you send an email to one of the IG helpdesk email aliases. BTW, I think (in your case) that the PRT support tickect goes to IT-Finance (3rd party owners of PRT directly) and then comes back to you via IG. Maybe someone from IG can confirm this.


In any event, most of the time, with support, you get a one line response back. There is no concept of asking the customer if he/she is satisfied with the response, and or asking if the ticket can be closed. Personally, I have a number of issues that are outstanding (have been outstanding for some time), but as you stated, to try and keep tabs on everything from your (the customer's) side is problematic, and in my opinion, not the way it should be.




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Ha ... I've just found out that we can see submitted queries under My Queries on the Help and Support tab ... but then when I check - not good (this is getting me even more frusrated now) ... see below email I just sent to IG Customer Sevices ...



Re below ... I spoke too soon (without looking fully) ... the Query list is next to useless as I can't click and see / read anything at all ... not even the Query still in progress (see screen shot below and attached.

I can't even see the Query Subject so then I would know I've already submitted a particular issue ... what is the use /  point in 'My Queries' if I can't see any details whatsoever?





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. Yeah, that functionality does not work.


In my case, if I go to "My Queries", I have 16 pages, with 81 items (if I counted correctly) marked as "In Progress."


And, same as you, a lot of them have nothing in the "Query" field as a description.

The ones that do, some of them display something when you click on them, while others don't.

For the ones that do, the formatting is so messed up, that it's not easy to read or get anything useful out of it (see sceenshot).


With IG, there really is not a good way to keep track of unresolved queries/issues/tickets. It feels more like a fire and forget type approach - you fire, they hope you forget.


Can someone from IG respond to some of the points raised in this thread, ?







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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey , ,


Apologies for the delayed response. I've been looking into this, and it does appear that we are experiencing issues with the My Queries box, due to a change in internal systems. We'll be looking to get this fixed as soon as possible.


Generally, tickets that you send via the PRT charts do come directly to IG Support, however we do forward these onto IT-Finance where necessary, but replies should mainly come from the Technical team here at IG.


I completely understand your point regarding tracking your queries, however we're not able to send full emails chains. Do you think reference numbers in the subject line would help to track your queries?



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 Anything would help - a ticker number, problem description, anything that can tie all communication for a specific issue together.


I also strongly believe that the customer should be the one who decides whether a ticket should be closed or not, and if the solution and/or information provided were satisfactory - I often get one-line responses from helpdesk people who do not even understand (or attempt to understand) a problem. This is not always the case, but does happen quite often.


It is also assumed that the problem is solved (without asking) after this one-line response, and the onus is the on me to keep on asking for feedback or provide clarification, should this not be the case. This is clear from your standard response: "If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us." 


Some questions:

Should support engineers not take ownership of and have ultimate responsibility for each ticket?

Should you not ask the customer before closing a ticket?

Do you even track open tickets, and flag onse that have been open for weeks or months?

Why do I never get any feedback on any those (unless I ask)?





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You say ... "Do you think reference numbers in the subject line would help to track your queries?" ...


The thing is I don't want to have to spend time tying a Ref Number in with previous emails etc ... I want to get on and make money ... and the more deals I do the more spread IG get etc.


I want one readily accesible place where all email are logged ... that could be under Queries under my LogIn, but it needs to be available for ever and searchable as I likely will think in the future ... I'm sure Ive had the problem before let's do a search on past emails.


Better still is just keep adding text to each successive email trail which is sent back and forth until - as  says - both sides agree the issue is sorted to mutual satisfaction. I keep all my emails for many years ... for ever even, where money is concerned!


There must be some 'IG reason' why IG don't include previous correspondence on all emails ... I would have thought you would have needed to 'untick a box' somewhere in your CRM Software  to achieve this as all CRM Software will include this basic required functionality surely?


Thanks for taking an interest in this issue. As you can see me and Stef (and I'm sure plenty of others, but they keep silent) are very frusrated by this and it puts me off sending in emails as it can be a lot of work (boring admin - tracking emails) to get to a solution. We could be left thinking that IG are purposely making the process 'not easy'?


Thanks & Regards



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Hi ,


I take your point on board, however for security purposes we don't send long email chains, nor previous responses, in reply emails. I can understand your frustration trying to reconcile issues you have raised, and have passed on your comments to our Trading Services team for future consideration.


Many thanks for taking the time to provide the feedback, and do let me know if there are any outstanding issues you have raised that I could help with.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi  , thanks for your continued interest


If previous emails are not included for security reasons then why not get the 'My Queries' function working correctly then there is a central repository for all emails etc.


My Queries is still next to useless  ... none of the columns shown below are clickable to see any further detail


The  'Case No' means nothing to me as we are never provided with a Case No. I would have to spend ages tying together the date / time group on my email client to piece together the full story.


I trust IG are working towards a solution? In the meantime IG is very likely missing out on valuable feedback / improvements due to the hassle involved for end users making suggestions to IG through to completion / close of Case.






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