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Best Site for Chart Patterns

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Time for the charlatan to take on another new identity, the ea-trader tag is spent and worthless.

Better luck with the next one but I wouldn't hold out much hope, no matter what you call yourself the MO of your fakery is so very well known and so very easy to spot. 

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Guest EA-trader

When internet marketers is exposed and the fakes are exposed, usual  threats to ban members.


No real contribution, of any originality from you Just cut and paste,useless nonsense from the internet.


If you wanted to make a quality contribution,post results of tests 100 chart consecutive patterns, using your own studies and analysis.They fail 80 % of the time, but you can't prove they work 80% of the time, you can't make any quality contributions.At least a IG customer will heed  my opinion, if they don't want to lose money on free information from the internet .The chart patterns info is free,because it is useless.There is no free lunch and I G readers are not naive, they don't like me follow an amateur learning on sites like these.


Until you can post quality, stop the quantity of useless cut and paste, opinions from the internet.Have you no opinion yourself  on quality analysis,as opposed to quantity of internet garbage?


Like minded traders or a google search cut and paste merchant, posting stuff from the internet marketers.This is not like minded traders.

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Guest EA-trader

Time to start another useless thread on chart patterns.Here they fail 80 % of the time in ranging markets.3 failed ascending triangles in a row proving most of your opinions on t/a need to be ignored.









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Guest EA-trader

Here automated backtesting results using EA    to back test chart patterns  information on  charlatan sites  ,full of nonsense  and misinformation.Lies  written to sell the books







Come out of your naivety and grow up out of nursery education of trading.


The site is by an internet marketer, who makes money from writing books,like all the failed traders who write books.He has written 20 books for a living.








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Let me see now, who to trust? You with your multiple aliases, your conviction everyone else is always wrong, and your pretence at being professional while trading a mini contract account that made 13 trades in a single day for a grand profit total of 4 pence.


Or someone with a documented history as a design engineer for Raytheon and senior software engineer for Tandy who retired from engineering at the age of 36 because of his success in trading mathematically proven chart patterns which he continues to do to this day.


Oh dear what a tough choice, delusion or reality, it's so hard to decide.  



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Guest EA-trader

Some blind bat addicted to spread betting and gambling, is posting links to charlatan authors  that have set up sites, to sell books The person knows nothing about chart patterns on live accounts, he gets likes from his friends and and broker for his posting....to make him look a clever dunning kruger character.Why should anyone believe a blind bat addicted to gambling?




This is essentially the blind leading the blind.A  charlatan educator sets up internet sites to market his books, and give a few chart pattern claims.A sucker who does not make any money from trading, gives advice to visit these charlatan sites of quacks and fake education, should anyone follow this advice?


A real trader produces EAS to test these quack educators  and charlatans.Rebuttal teams employed on forums can not offer rebuttals against computer programs designed to catch quacks and charlatans.



The programs expose the quack.







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