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Expedia (EXPE) layoff - worth buying ?

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Expedia Group has announced a layoff of 12% of its total worldwide staff after the market closure. 

EXPE lost almost 7% during the day session but must recover quickly on Tuesday after this announce. 

What do you think ? Hold and buy more shares or sell and wait and see ? 

Article from Bloomberg : (Bloomberg) -- Expedia Group Inc. said it’s cutting thousands of jobs, striving to simplify the “bloated organization” and return the online travel giant to more disciplined growth.
The staff reductions will affect about 3,000 employees, including 500 people in Expedia’s Seattle-based headquarters, said Josh deBerge, a company spokesman. The workers will begin to be notified this week. Expedia didn’t tie the job cuts to effects of the coronavirus, which executives earlier this month said added “uncertainty” to the company’s profit outlook.
“Today, Expedia Group announced our intent to simplify how we do business,” deBerge said Monday in a statement. “This includes stopping certain projects and activities, reducing use of vendors and contractors and eliminating approximately 12% of our direct workforce.”
Expedia announced the job cuts in an email to its global workforce, which numbered 25,400 as of Dec. 31.
“Following our disappointing 2019 business performance and our change in senior-most management, the travel leadership team has spent the last few months determining a better way forward,” the email read. “After consulting with leaders around the globe, we recognize that we have been pursuing growth in an unhealthy and undisciplined way.”
Barry Diller, Expedia’s chairman, foreshadowed the job cuts earlier this monthduring an earnings conference call.
“We were a bloated organization,” Diller said on the Feb. 13 call. Over the last few years Expedia has been chasing growth in the intensely competitive travel sector by adding employees and layers of complexity “until frankly very few people could figure out what the hell they were supposed to do during the day,” he said.
At the time, Diller said he was targeting $300 million to $500 million in run rate cost-savings in 2020.
“I am confident that simplifying our business and clarifying our focus by making these difficult changes, our teams can get back to working on the projects and priorities that make the most sense for us, our customers and our partners,” Diller said Monday in a statement.
In December, Expedia Chief Executive Officer Mark Okerstrom and Chief Financial Officer Alan Pickerill were ousted after clashing with the board over a disappointing growth outlook. Diller, the 78-year-old billionaire media mogul and chairman of IAC/InterActiveCorp, has been running the company’s day-to-day operations, along with Vice Chairman Peter Kern, ever since.
The company is offering employees severance packages, including extended health-care coverage, according to a person familiar with the issue who asked not to be identified discussing private information.
In the email to its staff, Expedia leadership acknowledged this transition would be difficult.
“Great tech companies have walked this same path in order to come back stronger and more competitive than ever. We have restarted the journey,” the email said.

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This is the familiar pattern of neoliberal capitalism - when profits aren't high enough, people lose their jobs.

David Ricardo formulated this basic theorem in his book on Political Economy and Taxation about 200 years ago, even before Karl Marx came on the scene.  But we're all very polite to this day and never mention the obvious fact that livelihoods are destroyed by greed.

Edited by dmedin
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9 hours ago, Thenextmillionaire said:

The company is offering employees severance packages, including extended health-care coverage,

This is just ridiculous ... vote Bernie Sanders if you're American and think access to healthcare should be a right and not simply a perk of employment ...

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