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Everything posted by Frankieburgo

  1. Again you post these pics of screenshots taken from dodgy Facebook posts, with NO links to either the data or sources. A quick Google search completely debunks these charts if you bothered to look. There is ZERO evidence to suggest ivermectin has reduced excess mortality in Mexico.
  2. Er bill gates SPENDS millions on vaccine research . He spent $4billion on vaccine development. Ain't making money from it.
  3. Actually I linked factcheck.org which is well known to be extremely transparent with funding, just check their website. Also you push a lot of stuff about ivermectin which happens to also be a drug, I'm sure your sources aren't funded by the companies pushing that .. right
  4. You are so contradictory it's hilarious. Selfawarewolve you are. So you're claiming in your posts that the science is false, and now you're claiming that it's being suppressed.
  5. That's been debunked many times. You should do more research, it's clearly false. In fact general scientific consensus is that deaths where COVID is underlying cause is grossly underestimated. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/6764078002 https://www.factcheck.org/2021/04/scicheck-flawed-study-fuels-erroneous-claims-about-covid-19-death-toll/ https://factcheck.afp.com/cdc-did-not-illegally-change-mortality-count-rules-inflate-covid-19-toll https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/feb/05/blog-posting/no-cdc-isnt-inflating-coronavirus-statistics/
  6. Not as sinister as it sounds (very misleading image). The app in question is an option for double vax'd travellers returning home (South Australia) who would prefer to isolate at home rather than in a quarantine hotel. This is not a mandatory tracking app, people won't be "forced" to download it.
  7. You mean this Dr Ryan Cole who is a skin specialist and whose ramblings have already been debunked... ... riiiiighhht 🙄
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