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  1. I've found that your problem is happened on Demo API but Live API is still working. But to me it's opposite. I got problem on Live API but Demo API is still running well...
  2. Hi @Garry7 I got exactly the same problem as you It's driving me crazy that I could do nothing to fix this... I was wondering if you had solved this problem? I mailed them but they only told me that the API key is available. I do think that the live API service has blocked some server including mine or yours. BTW, I use Google Apps Script.
  3. Actually it's pretty weird that if I use API Companion. The login is functioning. I didn't change the login function in my script which worked in the past 2 years. This bug really frustrates me.
  4. That means maybe we should give up on this platform? I've sent an email and got no response either. I've put pretty much effort on this platform. It's unbelievable that we run into the ridiculous problem like this...
  5. I was wondering if my script responded "Access Denied" to me. Is this the problem of the IG market platform? My script has been worked well for the past two years. But suddenly it doesn't work anymore. However, my demo account's script is still running well.
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