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Occasional Contributor

Occasional Contributor (2/10)



  1. Is it possible to make visible pre and post market moves on a chart? for me it works only with futures..
  2. Well, i dont like IG standart platform. in MT4 there are no shares and options In Prorealtime there are no options.
  3. Well, i dont like IG standart platform. in MT4 there are no shares and options In Prorealtime there are no options.
  4. Correct me if i am wrong- 1 to trade shares I need Prorealtime 2 to trade futures i need MT4 3 to trade options I need browser so, i cant have one platform for all? only web browesr..
  5. Hi, i have a few questions: 1. is it possible to trade options on this platform, if yes how? as i cant find 2. is it possible to trade shares pre and post market on prorealtime? 3. is there easier method to login to platform, without first loging to browser?
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