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BillionaireFXTrader last won the day on January 26

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  1. Thanks so much, Mr. @MongiIG. God Bless
  2. Thank you so much @MongiIG and Mr. @Chris Beauchamp I watch a lot of your shows on the IG TV. You inspire me greatly, God Bless You.
  3. What do you think will be the ECB interest rate decision? With a forecast of 4.5% and the previous rate at the same value of 4.5%. With today being the day the ECB will decide, what are your thoughts?
  4. Thanks so much @MongiIG
  5. What impact do you think the US Election will have on the currency market?
  6. What do you guys think will happen if the fed cuts rates?
  7. After todays cpi news, although yoy & mom was same as expections. But core cpi and main cpi was better than expectations, what do you guys think about this?
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