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Posts posted by DavR0s

  1. Hi Andy, thankfully it seems to be working again for me this morning.  I run two servers and the REST API failed on both at 8:25 last night and I couldn't get back in until after the market close.  Hopefully it will be ok now.  btw for my streaming API i just use IGs own example code - IG has acknolwedged there is a problem since early May but I am using Excelpricefeed now for that.  Cheers David

  2. So now I have a problem with the REST API FFS.  The streaming API has been broken since mid May and is still not working but I’ve worked around that by subscribing to ExcelAPI.  Now the REST API is erroring too so starting to lose the will to live with IG now - I’ll go through the motion with IG support tomorrow but getting close to chucking in 2 years work trying to work with IG  on this as no doubt will get the normal bland response.  Been a customer of IG for over 10years and getting close to closing the account and writing to the CEO to explain my frustration…..

  3. Received this reply from IG yesterday:

    The incident is still sitting with the developer teams and we have not yet received a major progressive update from their end , except for them still working on it. As one of the affected clients who is documented on the ongoing case , we will send an update once the is a resolution. "

    So it looks like we are no further forward re a resolution for this.  "Still working on this" seems to be the only status I am ever able to get on a live issue


  4. Yeah the companion works for me too - but that is more of a test harness and not usable in the real world.  It seems their Excel demo code which I take as the defintion of whether it is working has a different streaming implementation.  I have a workaround thanks to Andrews excel addin but the lack of responsivness and support from IG is making me think about whether I can afford to commit to IG long term - but I dont have a good alternative atm.

    And I am running W10 - have been for several years and the API has been generally fine on a daily basis


  5. Hi, not sure as dont know anything about your script but the IG lightstreamer login is still erroring after 5 weeks for me.  I have heard nothing from them about 3 weeks (after it had been escalated as a priority - lol) so messaged IG last week and had no further reply.  I can only draw the conclusion that they are not that bothered and don't really care.  Am minded to message the CEO now as have her contact details - maybe that will get some attention as people near the top usually have a more business and customer orientation if they are any good.

    btw my demo access to the API stopped working in January - i did chase at the time but never got a solution (or much of a response) - kind of given up with that now as am only prepared to put so much effort into this platform

  6. Had a bit of a go at the support team today as Ive had 4 support team staff telling me they'd keep an eye on things over the last 2 week and get back to me and none of them did, plus a lot of nonsense inbetween.

    So i got slightly more back as a result of my rant... 

    "Our IT support is running the necessary tests, what we have learned is that the issue is not a network issue. So the team is re-investigating to find the cause and remedy the issue as soon as possible."

    Im not entirely sure what that means but it suggests they havent made a great deal of progress with it if they are still testing after nearly 2 weeks and haven't identified the cause.  I'm not going to be holding my breath for a solution.

    Been with IG 10+ years and invested 2 years working with the API and the lack of responsiveness/urgency is starting to grate now....

    Andy's addin could provide a (short term) solution but i think i have to force myself to look at other solutions now as I have lost confidence in IG supporting this effectively - i need a very solid alternative it seems.

    If IG read these threads you can see I not a terribly happy customer....



  7. I spoke to IG yesterday and they tell me that its been escalated now but getting any status or update beyond "we are working on it" is impossible.  I've been promised an update today but then this is the 4th time ive been promised an update and noone ever came back so not holding my breath. Ive asked to speak to someone more senior and noone is available and when I ask them to call me when they are, noone gets back.  Not great.  I am inclined to email the CEO as I have her email address if it keeps going on like this.

    Looks like going to lose 2 weeks minimum trading due to this, so pretty poor.

    I am playing around with Andy's plugin (see earlier post) that looks like it could work for me - this seems to be streaming prices OK atm.  The IG REST API still works so its a case of turning off all the calls to the IG streaming API and replacing it with this.


  8. Hi Andy

    Thanks for the post.  Re the demo I contacted them earlier in the year - several times and eventually gave up!  I can live without it.

    Interested in your comment re your excel add-in - so you say that is working still for you?  Is that something you would be willing to share on an unsupported/no warranty basis.  It's only the price streaming that isnt working from the IG solution and i only use a couple of indices.

    I will try IG once again today as their excel example is still not working for me this morning - day10!  In the meantime i'll start looking at the alternative platform that another poster was kind to post.  I've invested quite a lot of time in the IG API but the lack of response for a llive issue is cause for concern now.

    Thanks David


  9. Hi, no need to apologise - it was definitely worth a try.  Just out of interest do you use 32 or 64 bit?

    I tried to follow up with IG this afternoon and got no further information.  Someone said they would get back to me and noone did.  That's the3rd time for this issue that has happened so not that impresssed.  Will have to try again in the morning.

    Other than that i will have to mothball my IG account and go look at alternatives....

  10. Hi,

    So i have managed to create a fresh W10 install today from scratch and not an upgrade.  I use 64bit software.

    Loaded MS office also 64bit and then the 64 bit version of the IG software.

    I can login via the companion but sadly I am getting the same RTD error when attempting to login via the sample spreadsheet.

    I dont believe there are any other steps I need to do.

    So doesnt seem to work for me.  Do you have any other thoughts or notice any steps I have missed out?

    Thanks David


  11. Thanks for the post and suggestion.

    I run two HP servers - one is definitely a Win7 upgrade to Win10 and the other had W10 installed when i got it but it was second hand so quite possibly that was also an upgrade.

    You sound pretty confident that you know what the issue is - my technical lnowledge isnt that deep in this area.  So tell me:

    - have you confirmed that this solution works?

    - this would suggest some users would still operational with a full W10 install - can anyone else confirm that they can access the streaming API from a full W10 machine, to give me confidence it is worth going through all the effort of doing this

    - there was a prior suggestion that the current issue arose from an upgrade at IGs end.  We had a week outage at the start of the year but cant recall if this was due to an upgrade too.  Is a full W10 install likely to solve all future upgrade issues of this nature?

    - I lost access to the Demo API at the start of the year and it has been broken since and i think i saw you posted a similar solution on this thread.  So presumably IG worked around the live issue in January and havent done the Demo side of things.  So the full W10 solution could solve both environments?

    The live system has been out of action for nearly 8 days now and I am no wiser as to where IG is with resolving this, so open to trying this.  Id need to get a full W10 disc and probably install to a fresh disc, so just want to guage confidence level from people's experience before embarking on this.

    Appreciate the post.

    Thanks David

  12. Ive now spoken to IG helpdesk and they have spoken to the back office support team who have now acknowledged it's a live issue as well so will go up the priority stack.  They sent me a link to the companion in the meantime but I told them that didn't really help me or suspect others, and that I wouldnt want the technical team seeing this as a workaround.

    The helpdesk did indicate that it may have been related to the upgrade at the weekend (which another poster mentioned yesterday) and also there were others reporting it too - so not sure how it being a live issue was being missed.

    The person I spoke to is going to give me an update tomorrow morning as my confidence remains low that the left hand is connected to the right hand.

    Just wanted others using the API to be aware of what I have been told - but don't rely on my updates incase I havent been given 100% correct information.


  13. Further to my posts yesterday  I have had some very confusing responses from different parts of the IG organisation, ranging from:

    - its a region/language setting on my PC (this is completely spurious suggestion but I checked and that was the case)

    - its not an issue they experienced all of yesterday

    - through to, its an issue but only on Demo (well for me the Demo API has been broken since January)

    So i am struggling to get IG to recognise that there is a LIVE issue so will phone them up to try and clarify this - wish me luck.

    If any of you use the Live API i would encourage you to report it so the message hopefully gets through as I am no longer confident they are working on the issue.

    Thanks David

  14. Hi, I am unable to access the live API this morning which i use every day.  Am getting the "Unable to get the RTD property of the Worksheetfunction class" error which is the same as earlier this year.  It looks like its a light streamer related issue again as it's the streaming API that I can't access.

    Have emailed support but would be helpful to know if others having the same issue or has any more information, thanks


  15. Bit of a weird one.  When looking at the Nasdaq index today (to measure some slippage data) which gives price to one decimal place it never seems to show a price of something.0 or .5

    i noticed this with the api so went to the desktop and they don’t appear there either.

    dont know if this is widespread, just my setup or whether others notice this?

    anyone see this and also what causes this?

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