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Posts posted by DavR0s

  1. I see the Demo API is once again not connecting - same message as Live.  It was fixed last Tuesday was running up until last night.

    I have chased IG on the solution to live but have no idea where this is in their schedule.

    So in the meantime what else is there out there that can provide inexpensive real time price streaming for indices?

    I could probably use DDE off Sharescope but that would require me to update my delayed version to the full version.  Most other stuff ive seen is delayed so not much use.


  2. It took me 3days to determine it was a system wide issue which became clear about 6am when I had an update from IG.  I was originally told there was no general issue so assumed it was something specific to my account.  If people use the API id encourage people to help raise the profile.  I think they are on the case but I have no idea in the grand scheme where it is on the priority list.


  3. Yes same here.  I had the same problem with accessing the Demo API about two weeks ago that then appeared on Live this weekend.  IG have now resolved the Demo streaming access so naturally assumed the Live would follow shortly - maybe it will.  Was just aghast that the suggestion is i comment out all streaming code as a short term solution.  An API without a live streaming price is not a functioning API as far as I am concerned.  So i have had to stop trading for the moment which is a right royal pain!

    If its important to you and you havent already raised it with IG then please do as the more users do this the better chance it will get the focus it needs.  btw the first contact I had with IG on Monday was that it was all functioning correctly so be prepared for that reply!

  4. Hi,

    Just wanted to reach out to others that use the IG API as my ability to login to the Live platform started to error this weekend.

    I have contacted tech support and it's still a live discussion but the answer I have rec'd today is that the problem is with Lightstreamer and the suggestion is I comment out all aspects of this so I can use other aspects of the API as an interim solution.  I have gone back and suggested this is not credible and to have a API not able to stream live prices is of no use.

    I have spent 18months working to this API and I suspect others have spent a lot more.

    Whilst typing this I received another update that the API team will look at a solution so maybe it will get resolved.

    Anyone else using the API and similarly impacted by this?

    Thanks David



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