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Posts posted by Lorinius

  1. Hey there,

    I'm experiencing some issues where my buy or sell does not show on the charts, I can buy or sell but they do not show up on the charts. Also, when I hover over the chart a weird rectangle appears near the cursor, any idea how to fix this? As you can see below, I'm in a trade, however it doesn't show up on the chart, and I can only finish the trade by taking a trade on the opposite side. Also that weird rectangle I was talking about.

  2. Aye, valid points, and I'm aware of the demo account not being the real deal, I just want to take it slow and steady, and the fact that there isn't much action in FX I think for me its also currently a good thing, not looking to get rich quick this right now, I want to develop a system and then I'll look into more volatile markets. That being said, I just installed MT4, any good tutorials that you can point me to? The interface looks pretty dated.

  3. Thank you all for your insightful replies. Just a little more about myself firstly. I started trading at the top of the Bitcoin bullmarket 2017/18 where needless to say with all the bull action in alt coins it gave me an unrealistic expectation of trading, 200 euros turned int 5k in a matter of weeks with little to no research on the assets. Then the bearmarket started, the profits started to trickle down, still trading like a pile of garbage now that I look back on those days. Then my biggest mistake..I took 5k$ on a loan to trade some more and needless to say all of that money went away in a short period of time. Still paying on that until 2022. Upon further research, every analyst and pro trader tells it the same, that the worst time to get into trading is during bullmarkets...lucky me!

    This all really left a bad taste in my mouth but I'm determined to become a better trader, with 100$ I started trading my way up to about 500 now, starting to see progress, getting more composed about my emotions and am currently looking to develop a system. That brings me to you guys, in that, that I'm looking to trade much safer instruments like forex and stocks as Crypto is still in it's early stages and way too speculative, there is money to be made but I want to get a taste of the other global markets as well. 

    With Forex, my plan is to trade 1 year on a demo account until I'm consistently profitable and then start out with a live account of the same size. 

    @TrendFollower to address your questions, given the fact that I'm a begginer in FX, I was thinking to focus on EURUSD since it's the most liquid and has the most action, would this be suitable for a 1000$ account to start with?

    @Caseynotes I'm looking into MT4 as we speak, to set it up on my demo account and take it from there. 

    Thanks a bunch again guys, any other advice that you have for me, much appreciated!

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