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Everything posted by bug-or-feature

  1. Ah, well firstly "all the indices on IG" is a lot less than "all the pricing data". It's still a lot. Spread bets, CFDs, something else? A lot depends what your hypothesis is. Are you investigating spread values? If so, you could get the prices from somewhere else, and sample the IG spread using the Streaming API. With that API you can be subscribed to 40 instruments concurrently. See here Platform choice is a big subject, probably not a question for this forum - I'm sure you have great Google skills being a researcher. But you could start with Yahoo Finance, Google Finance or AlphaVantage
  2. Thanks @KoketsoIG Can you ask the dealing desk to make them consistent please?
  3. Yes, there is. Once your account is open, there is a page with all the referral info, linked from the My IG section. Mine says "For a limited time, you’ll get £50 for each friend who signs up for an investment account and £200 for trading account opens – up to a maximum of £1000", and has a link to the T&Cs
  4. My advice would be to not attempt to do anything like this. "All the pricing data at 1min resolution" is an absurd amount of data. The IG platform is not a good place to try anything like this, due to the number of markets on offer, and the rate limitations. There are plenty of other platforms where you can obtain financial pricing data, either paid or free
  5. Hi Why are minimum bets on futures based spread bets and forwards inconsistent between DEMO and LIVE environments? Examples: Natural Gas: DEMO £1.00, LIVE £0.50 Hong Kong HS50: DEMO £0.50, LIVE £0.10 USD/CAD Forward: DEMO £0.50, LIVE £1.00 It would be much easier for your customers to design and test strategies on the platform if minimum bet sizes were consistent I'd appreciate a response from someone at IG many thanks Andy
  6. What is going on with the minimum bet for 'Sugar - London No.5'? The December contract is 10p, but later contracts are £15.00. Can someone from IG please clarify? Thanks Andy
  7. If you are keeping bets open for more than a few days it is usually more cost efficient to make a fixed expiry bet. Sometimes they are referred to as Futures or Forwards bets. There is no overnight charge, but the spread is a bit wider, and the bets expire on a specified date. There is some info about the charges here. To see the chart and info for these bets, click the "Futures" drop down next to "Undated" (aka "Spot") in the window header. Natural Gas does not have any trading hours restrictions. Some bets do, they have an extra section called "Trading Hours" at the top of the Info tab in the side bar. See "Cocoa - London" for an example
  8. There is no extra cost associated with auto renewal of futures or forward bets, the cost is built into the spread. Its just as if you did it manually yourself. There's info on the charges here
  9. Confusing response. Are you trading spread bets, CFDs or shares? You can only trade spread bets and CFDs with the REST API You can only trade CFDs and shares with L2 Dealer EC.D.ATOFP.CASH.IP is a spread bet epic
  10. Look at the REST API docs, you can see there is no endpoint with URL /workingorders/dma/equity. The endpoint for making OTC working orders is /workingorders/otc. That is why you are getting a 404 error
  11. @AshishIG Thanks. Its great that the individual contract is now tradeable, but I'm more concerned that the underlying problem has not been addressed. It would be preferable if this sort of issue was detected automatically, rather than relying on your users to report it
  12. There is a problem with the High Grade Copper bet for the DEC-23 futures contract. It is possible to place a bet on the SEP-23 contract, even though it expires very soon (just over 24 hours at the time of writing), but not possible to place a bet on the DEC-23 contract. The web interface shows a message that says "Closing only: Contract due to expire", despite the expiry being three months away. Even worse, the REST API reports the DEC-23 contract as TRADEABLE. This problem looks very much like the one reported here, which, at the time @AshishIG reported as "has been rectified". Clearly not See attached screenshots
  13. I had a couple of bets on the Coffee Arabica September contract recently, total position was short £0.88 in the DEMO environment. You can see from the first screenshot that the expiry was 22 August 2023 My positions were rolled at 19.35 on 21 August though, see second screenshot. Can someone from IG tell me why they were rolled 24 hours earlier than expected please? Thanks
  14. Even worse, the REST API /markets/IX.D.AEX.Month2.IP endpoint reports that the market is TRADEABLE. Is anyone from IG going to respond on this please?
  15. There's something wrong with the futures based bets on the Netherlands 25 Index. Its possible to open bets on the August 23 contract, which expires on 16 August. But not possible to open bets on the September 23 contract, which expires on 15 September. There's a message on the dealing ticket that says "Closing only: Contract due to expire". Looks like the trading restriction has been applied to the wrong bet
  16. Yes, it is There is a complex set of constraints for order creation, because of the different order types. Look at the docs here. If you still need help, I would suggest providing details of what values you are setting for which fields; it is impossible to know what is wrong with the information you have supplied so far
  17. You cannot use the APIs with share dealing, ISA or SIPP accounts. The APIs only work with spread betting and CFD accounts. You can use the APIs to trade equities (and view historic prices) with spread betting or CFD accounts.
  18. Yes, and it works fine for both the market info and historic price endpoints: https://demo-api.ig.com/gateway/deal/markets/AA.D.BHP.DAILY.IP https://demo-api.ig.com/gateway/deal/prices/AA.D.BHP.DAILY.IP?resolution=DAY&max=10
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