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The Week Ahead On The Markets



The Week Ahead

Read about upcoming market-moving events and plan your trading week

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Week commencing 17 January

Chris Beauchamp’s insight

US earnings season is now fully upon us, with banks and Netflix taking centre stage during the week. This steady round of corporate updates will dominate the agenda for at least the next three weeks. Aside from this, UK CPI, employment figures and retail sales provide interest for GBP watchers given the ongoing strength in GBP/USD, while Canadian CPI is one to watch given the possibility of a Bank of Canada rate hike later in the month. Video


Economic reports

  • Weekly view


Martin Luther King Day – US markets closed

2am – China GDP (Q4): growth expected to be 3.6% YoY and 1.1% QoQ. Markets to watch: Chinese indices, CNH crosses


3am – BoJ rate decision: no change expected. Markets to watch: JPY crosses

7am – UK employment data: claimant count to fall by 36,000, and unemployment rate to hold at 4.2%. Average earnings to rise 4.4%. Markets to watch: GBP crosses

10am – German ZEW index (January): index to rise to 34. Markets to watch: EUR crosses

1.30pm – US Empire state mfg index (January): index to fall to 27.5. Markets to watch: USD crosses


7am – UK CPI (December): prices to rise 5.4% YoY and 0.6% MoM. Core CPI to rise 4.2%. Markets to watch: GBP crosses

1.30pm – Canada CPI (December): prices rose 4.7% in November. Markets to watch: CAD crosses

1.30pm – US housing starts & building permits (December): starts to fall 2% and permits to increase 0.4% MoM. Markets to watch: USD crosses


12.30am – Australia unemployment rate (December): rate fell to 4.6% in December. Markets to watch: AUD crosses

1.30pm – US initial jobless claims (w/e 15 January): claims to rise to 232K. Markets to watch: USD crosses

3pm – US existing home sales (December): sales to rise 0.4% MoM. Markets to watch: USD crosses

4pm – US EIA crude oil inventories (w/e 14 January): stockpiles fell by 4.5 million barrels in the preceding week. Markets to watch: Brent, WTI

11.30pm – Japan CPI (December): prices to rise 0.7% YoY. Markets to watch: JPY crosses


7am – UK retail sales (December): sales to rise 0.6% MoM and 4% YoY. Markets to watch: GBP crosses



FTSE 100: Compass

FTSE 250: Diploma, Games Workshop

Dividends are applied after the close of the previous day’s session for each market. So, for example, the FTSE 100 goes ex-dividend on a Thursday, but the adjustment is applied at the close of the previous day, e.g. Wednesday. The table below shows the days in which the adjustment is applied, not the ex-dividend days.


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