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Access Community from the web trading platform



In a continued effort to increase the amount of trade ideas and strategy pieces in the web trading platform, I'm happy to announce both Live and Demo clients can now access Community threads from within the platform. This will specifically surface the very latest threads from the 'Strategy and Market Discussion' board based on the 'most recent new thread post' hierarchy. 

This follows further efforts such as including Reuters news and video, IGTV live video, and analyst articles into the platform. This means we're at a stage where we can produce a single news page which will collate all these channels in single view (with granular insight available on the click through). I can update when this is live.


To access Community from within the web trading platform

  1. News - from the left hand menu
  2. Community - from the top level navigation
  3. 'Add to workspace' - if you're looking to add the news section as a permanent feature



Video on Community location in the left hand fly out


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