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IG Premium event - 18:30 on June 24th

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Not sure why this was billed as a 'premium' event, summary was basically:

  • Nobody predicted 2020 correctly
  • Market went down a lot
  • Market went up a lot
  • Market might go up and down from now on
  • Retail clients get it wrong every time and lose money

Cheers for that ...

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Did he mention this?

"The final day of June is a week away, and Wall Street is already speculating that there’s the potential some asset allocators, like pension funds, could take the big gains from the stock market and move them into bonds."



More stocks for Robin Hooders?

  • Thought provoking 1
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1 minute ago, Kodiak said:

Did he mention this?

"The final day of June is a week away, and Wall Street is already speculating that there’s the potential some asset allocators, like pension funds, could take the big gains from the stock market and move them into bonds."



More stocks for Robin Hooders?


Why would he mention anything of relevance to us?  He is obviously not here to provide actionable insight to retail traders.  

By his own admission he sits on the fence, he uses the benefit of hindsight, states the obvious - what purpose this guy serves for retail investors I have no idea.  I'm sure he must be more useful to private, paying clients.

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