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ProRealTime Automated Trading - Multi time frame stop loss / trailing stop loss




I want to code my trading strategy in ProRealOrder for automated trading. I believe the new version of ProRealTime allows you to code an automated trading strategy using multiple time frames (1hr, 4hr, etc) in the same code. Does IG support this multi time frame coding and in particular stop loss triggers / trailing stop loss triggers in the code using multiple time frames?



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On 02/09/2021 at 02:24, Anjalie said:


I want to code my trading strategy in ProRealOrder for automated trading. I believe the new version of ProRealTime allows you to code an automated trading strategy using multiple time frames (1hr, 4hr, etc) in the same code. Does IG support this multi time frame coding and in particular stop loss triggers / trailing stop loss triggers in the code using multiple time frames?



HI @Anjalie,

Multi Time Frame is supported on IG's ProRealTime as well.

I hope that it helps.

All the best - Arvin

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