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FCA Warning



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Guest oilfxpro

We believe this firm has been providing financial services or products in the UK without our authorization. Find out why to be especially wary of dealing with this unauthorized firm and how to protect yourself from scammers.


We have all seen how easy it is to advertise fake schemes but surely people don't fall for it? Everybody in the forum can see your links to trade city, and what is obviously what you are referring to.




What is unbelievable is too good to be true.



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You have, in your usual deceitful way, taken a quote by the FCA about the firm Maeda Ventures and pretend it is being applied to an honest company. I have known for a long time you are not to be believed so it is good to have examples to show everyone else.


The quote was taken from a previous post in the thread from months ago if anyone is confused.


I presume   has noticed also that since I warned that there was a way to award yourself a 'Solved' check mark that in the community search list (previous post in thread), showing oilpro's threads, that all, remarkably, have a check next to them and his profile page tells us he has gone from 1 solution provided to more than 10 in less than 3 weeks. 


Constant and blatant deceit is the hallmark shown not only on this forum but also on the long list of previous forums. 

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You keep blaming others for your failures, here is the post in which I mention a 'tight stop'.


The point was that if you see a specific indicator being used by the market on a specific time frame that is what you should use for entries and exits until the reason is broken. Difficult to see how up could have misinterpreted the basic reasoning. But instead you found a different time frame in a different market and applied a different MA where there was no correlation and just jumped in.


Finding the correlations reveals what the market movers are using. That is the correlation between price and any of the major indicators, (MA, trend or channel lines, support and resistance levels, Fib levels). Once you find the right tool to signal an entry the stop goes behind it. If the stop gets hit it must mean the correlation is over. In the chart I point out that that wasn't til 5 days later.



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Guest oilfxpro

This image confirms hindsight analysis done on past life,  even a tight stop was never troubled in the past life ,in hindsight.:smileylol::smileylol::smileylol:

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Guest oilfxpro

Casey "It's not analysis it's an explanation of the rationale.".


The rational brain is never user used in trading, it is for people who know nowt.





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Not rational, rationale. can't you even use google? No wonder TA is beyond you. People may not find your decisions rational but if you explained the rationale behind the decision making process they may well understand. I understand this would not apply to your daily coin flip so that's probably why the concept is so abstract for you.

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Guest oilfxpro

Not rational, rationale


The rational brain issues the rationale!


How would you know about decision making? You can't  make decision on trades in advance, you have not shown us your capability , to  call a trade and make a decision.This is blind leading the blind.

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