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Thanks for that @TrendFollower, just to add the weekly chart to your chart above and match the etf in the OP. Solid looking bottom. I know nuclear is all very political, hence the low demand currently, but electric cars may well lead to a wake up reprisal, especially by Germany, after billions spent on eco not really working out and needing new pipelines from Russia and tankers from the US, and Japan who are totally energy dependent.


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Not an investor as such myself but the chatter I've been listening to is from the older guys who are looking to buy and hold. Price just above 1000 has held firm since 2016, in late 2011 this was trading at over 8000. Japan and Germany backed off nuclear but may be forced to reconsider along with other western countries if/when they choose to go big on electric cars.

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  • 3 months later...

@TrendFollower, thanks for your comments but they don't relate to the video in any way, you may not taken the 5 minutes to view it so I'll summarise;

The historic peaks in uranium price correspond to lack of supply and the latest estimate figures (2018) indicate a new phase of supply deficit now coming into play just as demand is about to take off with scheduled global nuclear power plant renewal and a massive increase in planned electric car production, especially in China.  



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@TrendFollower, they are not his charts, google uranium supply and demand and you will find a dozen links to research articles pointing out a forth coming supply shortage for expected demand in various publications over the last 6 months.

All he has done is to research the topic, build a narrative based on that research and presented it in a video, take it or leave it. All I've done is reproduced it simply because it rings true.

There after anyone can do with it whatever they like. 🙂

Better to be aware than ignorant.

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@TrendFollower, your linked article is nuclear fuel rod specific and takes no account of China's planned explosive increase in the production of electric cars at all. The second graph in my post above shows deficit in the estimated supply for 2018 after years of over supply and as these things tend go in phases may well be signalling an extended period of low supply levels at a time of high demand. The 2018 figures are yet to be verified but the point of the video and my reproduction of it was to act as a heads up for a potential big move to come. Take it or leave it.

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@TrendFollower  really not sure where you're coming from, it has absolutely nothing to do me or my investments. I'm not interested in giving investment advice I am merely passing on interesting information.

Someone researching a topic has found two factual pieces of information and put them together to form a narrative indicating a possible future big move of a commodity. It really is as simple as that.

I reproduced it here because some may be interested as the information as a package has not been considered in the media and so will not be widely known as yet.

What anyone does with the information is completely up to them, they can take it or leave it. If you want to explore it in greater detail please do so. To me it is just of general interest in line with my previous posts above.

So to recap from my very first post from early November;

1/ uranium is at a price cycle low and has started to rise.

2/ a period of over supply of the last 8-9 years (2009- 2016) looks to be turning to a period of under supply.

3/ the last couple of years has seen increased planning for nuclear power plant rebuilds and an explosion in the planned manufacture of electric cars, especially in China.

ergo; some readers might suspect price may rise in the near future and some might not. 

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  • 2 weeks later...



#Nuclear power related stocks bounced on Tue after report #China is expected to start construction of two new nuclear reactor projects in Jun after 3-yr halt in new approvals. The environmental impact assessments for them were submitted for approval to regulators on Mon.



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  • 2 weeks later...

UAE regulator in final stages of issuing license for nuclear plant

ABU DHABI (Reuters) - The United Arab Emirates’ regulator is in the final stages of issuing a license to the operator of the Barakah nuclear power plant now being built but cannot yet give a date for when it will be granted, a senior official said on Wednesday.

Operator Nawah Energy Company said in May that Barakah should start up between the end of 2019 and early 2020. It will be the UAE’s first nuclear plant and the world’s largest when complete, with four reactors and 5,600 megawatts (MW) capacity.


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