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key sectors for 2019 - trade and investment ideas

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So I recently received a certain publication from a competitor to IG (don't worry i'll behave) and it had a section in it that talks about some key global sectors which may be worth looking into for developing trends and developments in 2019. Thought it would be an interesting discussion given we're at the start of the year and many may be looking at some longer term sectors and strategy. My three sectors are....

Retail: obviously retail is changing, not only in the high street space which we all know has seen problems, but in the online space and more specifically china and their demand for high end fashion and retail. Key stats are

  • 7.6m households in china will be buying luxury goods in 2025
  • 33% of global spend on luxury in 2018 was by the Chinese ...
  • ...rising to 45% projected by 2025
  • 12% of worldwide retail sales were made online in 2018...
  • ...expected to rise to 17.5% by 2021

Cars: sales of cars and car companies in general has always been interesting for me. You used to see so many companies going under - going bust - being bought or acquired for £1. We all know those stories. However how with electric options and a growth in luxury its having a bit of a come back. Tesla is obviously very interesting to trade and has some good Vol going on there.

  • VW is the interesting one here. German listed, but home to Ferrari, audi, Bentley, Bugatti, MAN trucks and Porsche, but only valued at 73bn euro and has a PE of 7.5. You'd basically only need to wait 7 and a bit years to get your money back, along with a div of 2.3%, a cash balance of 22bn and an expected IPO of its truck business to pull in a further 7bn. Possibly valued low at the moment on the back of tesla love / investors not certain that they're ready for the future of the auto industry, however with a balance sheet like that ... its maybe a stock ISA long term option.

Tech: I'll keep this short, but I imagine many people be interested in this sector because its so god **** volatile!

  • Netflix expected growth is 58% in the next two years alone! However, we're also looking at a load of competition coming in the form of Disney, Warner and Apple who are in desperate need to diversifying their income stream. Netflix saw 7million new users in Q3 alone of 2018. Amazon prime is looking to have an estimates 170million users by 2022
  • Azures growth in Q3 of 2018 was 76% which is crazy. This is Microsoft.
  • Cloud computing is going to be big. 60% of enterprises are expected to move to the cloud by EOY 2019.
  • Apple lost nearly a quarter of its value in Oct and Nov 2018. Mad.
  • Tech IPO year? Lets have a look - Uber? Airbnb? possibly ...
  • This will be a risky year. I'm not convinced this will be the best play in 2019, but it is interesting. If you're looking at the space then my PERSONAL idea would be to look at the up and coming rather than the heavy weights.

So what are ya'll thoughts on this one? Whats 2019 saying?

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