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Posts posted by goldenbrown

  1. I am a little puzzled about the claim of the DAX being an easy market to trade. Moreover, thank you for the charts examples, but I am skeptical about that too. I am too old in this game to believe any claim made on an historical piece of data.

    But please do give me some more pieces of hard tangible evidence that the DAX may be an easier market than let's say the Dow or the S&P. I can allow for my mind to be changed.

    In the mean-time I believe that trading is a minefield, and I am never careful enough. The DAX is no exception as far as I am concerned. All the best

  2. Apologies for coming in late in replying to this.

    Yes, interesting points. 

    However, in my small effort toward a contribution I want to point out that most probably the personality of the trader might be a more determining factor on the trading style adopted, if not the determining factor, so much so that a trader might not really “choose” which strategy they will adopt, but they will be compelled to trade with the strategy that best fits their personality .

    I have been interested in psychometric theories in relation to personality types for some time  now and I am somewhat familiar with the Big Five Personality Traits theory, of which a short intro can be seen here.

    I know that according to the theory I have a high score in the trait "neuroticism" (I was tested) which to me justifies my approach to my trading style which corresponds to one of those described by @tradinglounge.

    I am slightly disappointed that rarely I see anyone considering these ideas as I believe that it will be of great help to anyone approaching trading.

    I think it would make a great topic of research, and my hypothesis is that it will show a clear correlation between the personality of the traders and their approach to trading.

    Come on IG team, take it up, and you will then be able to offer a more personalised level of support to your clients.

    This is an actual criticism of the level of support IG offers (I have been doing this long enough to feel I am entitled to voice some grudge), which I think it's too system centred, and not person centred enough.

    I mean it's all well and nice to explain how the system, the markets, the approach to risk management and the trading styles might work.

    But all that is only half of the picture, if that.

    One’s personality is then what counts (again my hypothesis) in making a useful approach to a trading strategy.

    Although the importance of the psychological factor is often mentioned in trading discussions, it remains an important topic which is dealt in a very vague manner.

    There is nowadays scope for a more informed and, as I have already mentioned, person centred approached, backed up by well-established psychometric studies.

    I offer some apologies to @tradinglounge for having somehow gone off the topic


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  3. Hello @SillyMilly

    I think you are referring to purchasing crypto for holding, like people who buy gold or silver as a store of value, while @MongiIG and @ArvinIG are referring to the activity of "trading" since IG is a trading platform, i.e. for those who want to buy and sell assets as a mean to make a profit. In that sense they are right in pointing out that the FCA (the Financial Conduct Authority (UK)) which is the main governing body for the financial sector (I believe) has ruled against the activity of trading cryptocurrencies for non-professionals. I think perhaps due to the very risky nature of trading in crypto, which are prone to extreme volatility.

    Having said all that, you can purchase crypto through an exchange. I am not sure if there are any legal restrictions in the UK, but I doubt it.

    I suggest you do a Google search for "Crypto Exchanges UK". Good luck

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