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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. trade 49 long result: absolute and utter torture, why do people even trade?
  2. trade 48 short result: oh, go f*k yourself
  3. trade 46 long result AAAARGH! This is infuriating!
  4. trade 45 long result: you absolute c*nt
  5. dmedin


    Oh stop being such a poopy pants, Marlene
  6. Looks like I'm about to get rogered up the unmentionables! But if it breaks above that level I'll go long instead
  7. trade 40 long result: yet another big loss
  8. trade 36 long result yet another loss, this is becoming unbearable
  9. trade 33 short result: yet another loss, this blows donkey d*ck
  10. trade 32 short result came very close to another loss
  11. trade 31 short result loss, i would be surprised if we have any profit left at this stage
  12. trade 30 long result another loss, un-f*king unbelievable
  13. trade 29 short result another loss, very disappointing
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