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Posts posted by nit2wynit

  1. Here's an example.  I posted it at Market open on here but it wasn't Shortable.  Still had potential to come back up.

    Max Margin of 1k.  Max Stop of £100 at 'In'.  £500 to be made here with £1000 account.  I tried to get in on it on PRT but couldn't work out the Stop minimum etc.  It wouldn't allow me to place it so took the dogs for walk Instead.  I'd have been £500 up if I had.

    EDIT:  My Watchlist...though i'm keeping away from Shorts at the minute.


    loads to be had.jpg

    1709 watchlist.jpg

  2. 18 minutes ago, DSchenk said:

    Ok, nobody can say I didn't at least try trade the US open.

    But, don't think I'm gonna stick to it.


    - Out of 10 stocks on the gap scanner you usually can trade 1-2 and even those are likely restricted on the short side

    - From my 2 days experience (lol), haven't seen any insane movements which you wouldn't see on the UK open. So not sure what exactly is the point of the US open if it comes with the same set-ups as the UK. (But maybe I also got unlucky and caught two very quiet days - nit2wynit let me know once things move again, maybe will have another look at it then)

    - Spreads are way too big for my taste

    - Level 2 data doesn't seem to work for me, even though I purchased the feeds. Not sure what's going on or if this is a bug? Does anyone else managed to get L2 working for US stocks?


    On the plus side:

    - You can scan gappers pre-market which you can't really do in the UK, cause there's no pre-market only the 10min auction.


    Cons outweigh pros for me here. Back to trading the FTSE100 :)


    Yeah lets' take a look at what you're saying here to see if there's a pattern or more clear determination.

    The benefit to the US is...more Instruments + more time during the day to catch any news before Market Open.

    Re; your scanner:  You said your filter was 10% or above? (i'll need to go back to read the rest again)  That's HUGE.  You're missing out on loads of others.  Remember Ross Trades the best only.  For him that's 5% Pre-Market or above.  10 mil float.  about $2.  BUT also needs potential for a move up.  YUMA for instance.  was already tapped out from Friday (I reckon).  to finish, I don't have a scanner, but still managed to find 5 or more in 15 minutes that had potential today.  However, I was distracted as I've been playing with PRT.  Remember your P/L ratio.  You're hoping for 1:1 or 1:2 at best.  In and out.  You can't make the same gains (or losses) on the FTSE.  It will go up 10 points, come down 8, go up 10 come down 8.... all day long.  In short, Trading the FTSE is NOT trading Breakouts!  So you're gonna need a new Strategy. They are not interchangeable.

    Good luck either way, but I think you're quitting way way too soon, and your scanner settings need a tweek. :D

    Here's why.  %'age is just one part.  We also need to watch Points, so I look for anything that's moved 10 points OR 3% or more.  

    Also, you've only been playing 2 days as you've said.  It's Slow.  You need patience.  Like I was at the start I felt I needed to Trade constantly.  I know you've said now it's more like 2-5 which is fine, but maybe you're still thinking you need to trade every day?  you don't, but you do need to Look every day.  If there's nothing suitable, then your day is free to do something else.  You Goal isn't to Trade, it's to make sure you only place Solid Trades when all the boxes are ticked.

    You tried DNS yesterday.  We both know it was a mistake (don't we?)  Not only was it a slow mover, but you got in in the wrong place.  

    I think we need to take another look at your scanner settings.  You're missing out on a bunch of stuff to trade.

    Trading the FTSE?  Of course, go for it.  But you can't Day Trade the FTSE and make a living unless you have about 10k account (maybe you do).  If you're not trying to gain an income from it then you're OK.  


  3. SOPHOS Ltd....Up or Down.

    Sorry for the frequent posts peeps.  This is insane.  Can't Close positions.  Can't Increase Stops.....nothing works....How the **** am i supposed to have any faith in this.

    EDIT:  hahah.  Oh, i did actually close it.  over 5 mins ago!!!! but it was still showing in my Position as -£60.....I got out early for £0.00 PL  :D  FML

  4. SNAP Inc.  Might lose today thru a technical mishap-my end of course.  Seems the Web Platform s also linked to PRT Demo...I'm all over the place.

    Typical.  Up £25 on SNAP and tried to close.  Spining Cog.....Didn't close....now down £30....Still in though so I'll let it fail now.

  5. 5 minutes ago, DSchenk said:

    Probably need to screen record a video once how I trade with it. Find it quite intuitive to be honest

    What's on the watchlist today for US open? Can't find a lot. 

    Only one so far is ACRS. All the other gappers are trade restricted by IG - what is going on...



    I can't fathom PRT out at all..................:O

    I'm making Zero progress with it.  Have you used the Web platform at all?  Charts aint as fast, but by christ, it's easy to get in and out of trades.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

    Either way you are trading the market.

    Yes, but if there are differences between charts, and lets say one has more info than the other, then can we assume one might be showing the Future of the chart, even if it's only seconds, can it be deemed a. reliable. b. profitable to make use of several platforms to trade? (specifically Day Trading and Scalping- In and out in seconds)  If so then it can also be deemed that if it can be profitable, then it can be un-profitable too?  The prices are different on both charts.  These are running side by side in real time, albeit the Demo.

    How can a trade be placed if the information is different?  But it's OK Casey.  I was merely pointing out the difference between the information in the chart.  They're both IG.  PRT offers faster updates chart info.....but so far, it takes longer to place a trade.

    Back to the manual for me.  Thanks.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

    but what is it actually telling you though, besides that 3 different platforms are filling in gaps differently on a illiquid stock.

    I'm not actually trading I'm just trying to figure out how to navigate and use PRT.  So far it seems, counter intuitive.

  8. What am I failing to grasp here with PRT?  No Balance on screen etc. as you place a trade,  Cost only revealed when you actually open a ticket.  Trying to amend a stop take 3 clicks; move it, Validate it, only to be told is has a minimum Stop which will change by the time you've gone back to the chart.  How do i set a Stop and Limit before I place it?

    Afraid the ease of the retail might have made me lazy.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

    but what is it actually telling you though, besides that 3 different platforms are filling in gaps differently on a illiquid stock.

    Well, it's telling of a few things I guess.  This a screenshot of both charts at the same time.  The prices are different and so are the Price positions (though I'm not sure what PRT is showing Bid Ask Mid)

    The disparity between both charts is enough to see anyway isn't it?  What am I actually trading?  

  10. 6 minutes ago, DSchenk said:

    Motley Fool released this article yesterday: https://www.fool.co.uk/investing/2019/09/16/tempted-by-day-trading-heres-why-you-shouldnt-bother/

    Tempted by day trading? Here’s why you shouldn’t bother

    In short:

    From a sample of almost 20,000 people, they found that the proportion of successful day traders fell as the number of days they traded increased. In other words, people became worse at trading the more often they did it. 

    The researchers then focused on the 1,551 individuals who continued to trade in the equities futures market for more than 300 days. Based on the data, only a minute proportion (0.4%) earned more than a typical bank teller in Brazil in a day ($54) with the best-performing individual taking home $310. A staggering 97% of this sub-group lost money. 


    Is spread betting for fools? :D 

    Well  :D

    I know why I lost.  Add this to the statistic of Noobs who quit early and this probably makes up most of the statistic of losses.

    Defo over trading relates to losses; likely for several reasons.  For instance, the longer you trade the more time has passed therefore the potential for trades to slow or become erratic i.e Lunch, News, or Aliens ate my homework....

    If you do the same thing and expect different results you are a fool (Einstein-not word for word)

    You are also aware of why your DNS trade failed off the bell yesterday.  Let's take it back to page one and see how we do moving forward?  I'm still struggling with PRT and it's videos.  I still haven't figured out how to place a trade on the charts. :O

    Statistically out of myself, dmedin and you, we're Losers lol.   But until we know WHY, then it will continue to happen.  We have to have faith in our knowledge, conviction in out decisions and courage to let them run or fail.

    How I have traded is with impatience, ignorance, naivety, callousness, confusion, lack of discipline, FOMO and on the odd occasion platform issues.

    85.46% of Statistics are made up :D


    • Like 1
  11. 11 hours ago, dmedin said:


    This is an entry signal to go long:


    Ordinarily Yes, that would be the Buy In (more technically the next large green to the right of it) but based on the 1st Red I would personally wait for a New High in the area.  The chart actually hit 162 and reversed anyway.

    • Great! 1
  12. 8 minutes ago, DSchenk said:

    Also just checked what Ross traded today: YUMA

    IG restricted, so not possible to trade.

    However, even if it was possible, this is the move where Ross made 500 bucks (1min chart btw - he only traded for 4 minutes today)

    The total range here is from 606 to 649, that's a 7% move.

    However, the spread currently is at 2.6%, probably way higher during the market open, I assume around 4-5%.

    Meaning there's little chance you would've made any profits on that move, even with perfect entry and exits. Lucky if you would've just made the spread back


    I wouldn't have touched Yuma today anyway.  Most of the Breakouts I've witnessed lately that start with a Red candle often (not always) have gone south.  This was possibly over traded last week.

  13. 5 minutes ago, DSchenk said:

    Also just checked what Ross traded today: YUMA

    Yea YUMA has popped up in the past with Ross but as you now know it's not available to trade.  There's loads of stock to be traded though that don't have massive spreads.  My plan is to put them to a list that I can keep going back to.

  14. This was a Live trading day in July.  I've mentioned it recently. (thought it was the FTSE)

    From when i started watching till I stopped it was worth about £20 if I went Long.  But i got in for small profits up and down on the way up.  total of about £50 with £16 loss.  So made £35 riding it instead of £20 Long.  Too much effort for too little reward.

    This is the only limit of going Long with a small account.  There's no potential to Day trade Indicies unless you have a large account and can go large PPP.

    hard slog.jpg

  15. 2 minutes ago, DSchenk said:

    On the FTSE100 index you have a spread of 0.02% with moves between 0.5% and 1%.

    You can defo make money on FTSE but you're limited to your account size.  For instance, £2 per point with less than 1k on margin, where the average for the DAY might only be about 50 points.  That's an entire day to make £100 or less, unless you ride the waves.  The thing with the FTSE or any Indicies is the amount you need to ride it.  Most people say Go Long, but it will usually go up 5 come back 3 go up 5 come back 3.  To me, each one of those directions is an In and Out profit.   I used to look for SR points and Reversals and had some wins, but I'd take it where I could with a 1:1 ratio.  If I could get it right, I'd ride a consolidation area going up and down.  

    But with shares we can capitalise on small moves big profits.    Whatever I do now I still only play for 1:1 or 1:2 profit and put my stops as tight as possible.  What you've done there with DNR is what i used to do.  That wasn't a sound play that i know you know.  You're not supposed to ride it right off the bell.  :O

    Find either the 1st red on 1M or 5M.  Only when the 1st green candle breaks the previous Red on the pullback do you risk and Buy In.  Otherwise you need to wait for New High after the previous Spike.  Either way I don't think DNR was a good bet today.  It had a high of 160 and i think I'd have got out as soon as it started turning red on the reversal.


  16. 15 minutes ago, DSchenk said:

    Spreads are still far too high to realistically make a profit

    UPDATE:  Partial Outtage on Demo accounts.

    erm.....you need to find better stocks to trade :D

    I posted a few last week that were only 2 3 or 4 points of spread.  to me this isn't a lot.  I risk 5 or 10% of my balance when looking to trade.

    I'm going to take a look at DNR to see what you had in mind.  I had it on my Watchlist too, but couldn't find a way in.

    Plus you posted earlier you're scanner is for £10 movers?  that's quite large to me.  I consider anything from 3% up.  Max $20, but can go higher.  Plot resistance or previous day high on 1D chart and see if it has room to do.

    Let me take a closer look at what you've done today and get back to you on it. :D

  17. 3 minutes ago, DSchenk said:

    PRT doesn't show you your balance. But PL shows via Trading -> open positions

    Looks something like the below (if you're down £30 on the day :D )



    WTF!  How the **** can you trade??  I've no idea what margin requirement is until I add a number to the ticket, then what?  get a calculator out and work out my next figure?  Jeeez.  This can't be for real?  Surely the basics are your fecking balance lol.

    I can't even load a chart now.    I'm becoming paranoid this is a real conspiracy against me.  I've been getting error messages like this since day one, but the chart usually loads within a few seconds.  Now I can't get anything.




  18. 22 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

    that used to be poor on prt, if memory serves you need to go to Options > Trading options > Statistics and order display > and check the boxes for 'display top of chart'.

    Thanks but it doesn't appear to be an option.  Queries going back to 2017 or before.

    How are you supposed to trade if you can't see your PL or balance?

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