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Posts posted by nit2wynit

  1. 2 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

    are you sure it's not the market that's laggy rather than the platform

    Casey, do you actually, or have you ever actually used the retail platform?

    It's the worst of all other UK platforms I've used.  I have no connection issues anywhere at all anytime.  I'm online all day either watching Youtube videos or on a night I might be online gaming or streaming video on Netflix.  I've a solid connection to the internet and can confirm no other issues using other platforms.  When I say 'Lagging' I mean the chart doesn't move fluidly while dragging, however, most of the time the 'Volume' candles are missing from the last 10 minutes or so.  I must Refresh the entire page (Chrome-Reload Page) and the chart will update.  I can mouse click to move the chart but nothing happens; it's jumping all over lagging behind my mouse.   As for Mobiles and Tablets suffering dropout, well, it's was my PC that was behind the tablet and it's connected by ethernet directly to router.  
    I'm not saying it's the platform, but it's pointing to it right now and it's been like this for me since day1.   That's why I've contacted IG to see if we can find the cause.

    As for being the only one to report this issue, well, if you go back far enough you can see others commenting on it back when the New platform went Live  2015 I think.  So far as i can see most of you guys don't use Retail platform, so no wonder it's not on your radar.

    If you can confirm it's fluidity and is On Par with your MT4 charts then I'll need to investigate further.  It's very possible a specific issue to me.

  2. 45 minutes ago, dmedin said:

    How can anyone justify trading the demo platform when it produces discrepancies of this magnitude?

    If anyone replies saying 'Data is indicative' as if that is some kind of excuse for fraudulent practices

    Well.....there certainly is something up as i have seen this too....But the difference was between the Live chart on my Tablet and the Live chart on work PC.  The candles were different at specific points on the same Instrument, and Timeframe.  This made me realise that it was almost impossible for me to place tight stops and take small point moves, if the difference was so obvious that my trades could be failing before they've even begun.

    I'm still querying with IG why the Retail Platform is so laggy my end.  They say I am literally the only person to mention it and to back this up, I've had no-one confirm it when i put the question to the forum.  So up to now it IS only me.

    Today on the demo:

    PL showing different on top right than what is showing on the chart.  Only one trade running.
    Placed a trade but the Ticket detail didn't appear on the chart even after a refreshed, but did appear when I changed the Timeframe.  this has happened before on the Live chart and i missed profit because i wasn't able to quickly close the trade.  By the time i figured out i needed to open the Positions panel i had already lost it.

    Trades couldn't Close when I click the Close button on the chart.  There was a spinning cog as if it was loading.  Even after refreshing it was still spinning, but in my positions it was gone.

    I've had these same problems on the Live charts too, so it's not just the demo.  This is why I'm looking for another platform to try.  In the meantime I'm just looking for US breakout patterns and having a 'Punt'.

    I'm starting to really think that although not admitted officially, Day Trading and Scalping is not supported and actively sabotaged.

  3. 32 minutes ago, dmedin said:

    I've seen the demo account provide factually incorrect information

    what do you mean as I'm currently taking a closer look at the Demo and the chart patterns.

    However, on another note, tell me you took at look at my suggestions yesterday.  3 of them were winners for sure.

  4. 2 hours ago, dmedin said:

    flip a coin, heads long, tails short

    hahha :D

    Did you manage to check out any of the Shares I posted yesterday?  Abeona Therapeutics specifically?  Great money to be made on that one.  I pulled £500 on the Demo with a 2k account.  Risking only £50.

    • Great! 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:


    **** me it's complicated.  6 months down the line and this is the **** I should have been learning.

    However, with this said, If i can find a reasonable price range that IG deal in that doesn't exclude the vast majority of shares on offer, I may still be able to do this with higher priced stock.

    Case in point.  as the US opened..

    Abeona Thera....
    Emergent Bio....
    Conn's Inc....

    All have potential to go again.


  6. 2 minutes ago, TrendFollower said:

    I am not the greatest trader and I accept that.

    If you're in profit then you a better trader than I.  

    You're right, I am Rigid on Day Trading, in the same way you are Rigid you are not!

    AIM is limited on Spread betting.  I can't get access because of Spread or Un-availability.

    This is my plight.  We're all repeating ourselves for the Likes I think.  I'm not here for Forum ticks.

    I just want to know how to Day Trade Small Cap Breakouts (Or larger is I can afford them) using IG.

    The other 6 months of 'Advice' hasn't helped me achieve this.

    I don't need to know how to trade them.  I know how to trade them.  I even know how to trade the FTSE, but knowledge isn't the same as Action.  I've quit before I reach my absolute limit.

    So If i can outline it here for hopefully the very last time.......................

    How can I Day Trade ANY Cap Breakouts with IG and 1k?

    Answers in depth below if you can advise.  Please, spell it out.


  7. 5 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

    right yes, and welcome back by the way, it seems like only yesterday we said goodbye.

    Casey Casey Casey, my Dear Dear friend.

    If you read my post back again and take note, you'll see I said I'm Leaving the Platform!  Not the Forum.

    Yes we did briefly touch upon DMA L2 and MT4, but moving to CFD from SB has it's downside; Tax etc.

    However, it's clear I need to change what I'm doing, or more specifically, the Platform or tools to Day Trade Small Cap Breakouts.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

    no, I was referring to your first live account, it's the constantly revised history I find difficult to follow.

    You're stuggling with info?  ask specific questions.

    Started with 1400, lost 400.

    stated with 2k lost 1k  

    = -£1400 over 6 months.  Half of this amount was lost in 4 days not consecutive.

    Tell me, does this info help you help me Day Trade Small Cap Breakouts with IG?


  9. 12 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

    oh ok, how much was it on the live account that was making you throw up, just curious.

    I went live again about a month ago with £2k.  I noticed to the right of the screen that Uber was in trouble.  I brought up the chart to see it plummeting.  My ticket remembered my stop from the previous trade.  I got in as it was dropping;  FOMO, but hadn't adjusted my stop.  (if i had adjusted it I'd have made back my entire losses since March) I immediately lost £56 in a second.  It made me gag.  It made me gag because I did what I know what Not to do.  Then for the rest of the day I lost a total of £220.  I lost 1/8th of my account in one day chasing a Leprechaun.  

    I haven't Blew my account.  I've got 10k for this if i could prove my wins with 2k.  I haven't, so I've pulled back with 1k left of my limit.  My total Learning costs were £2400 as this is what it was going to cost for me to join Warrior Trading.

    You have no answers because you've asked zero questions.  If you assume everything by your own knowledge you'll never know anything more.  You need to ask more questions if you want to become enlightened.  Becoming enlightened takes time as one must digest information.  Learning is a process of time not knowledge.

    However, as courteous as I am being, your sarcasm and amazing wit is still shining thru.

    I have not lost more than £40 on any single trade, other than Uber.


  10. 2 minutes ago, dmedin said:

    Oh I didn't think he meant that :(

    It's just that the SB approach is different from the method Americans use, where they are actually dealing in leveraged shares rather than derivatives.  (That can be enormously risky)

    Exactly!  Thanks for stepping in.  There's a bit of a 'I'll tell you what you meant, not understand what you meant' mentality going on here.

    So fecking defensive.

  11. 7 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

    @nit2wynit, actually you put us on trial when you said you only started losing when you started taking advice from other forum users. You were losing money when you came onto the forum as your early posts show, you told us that you were literally throwing up because of the anxiety caused by the size of risk you were taking on with a such a small account (£170/point) and the advice was don't bet so big, simple so far but not the solution you were looking for as the goal was to learn how to earn a living trading off a small account there and then before you blew the account. And then your account blew up. That's more or less it.

    **** me Casey........Take a **** break lad!

    What do you think you know when you've asked no questions????

    I know you're going for the 'Star Contributor Badge and Hat' ensemble but Jeeesus man........

    I can't begin to explain the psychological preference for you to take what i say personally and now you're trying to get everyone else involved in it to back you up by suggesting i've put EVERYONE  on Trail.  Make your own case lad..  Try not to only pick out of the conversation that suits your personal grievance.

    The advice given was never about Day Trading small Cap Stock.

    Can you prove it?  End of!

    Oh and @Caseynotes the £170 pp was the Demo... Guess you missed that detail in your quest to be Forum Champion!

  12. On 02/09/2019 at 00:29, dmedin said:

    This sounds like a statement about society and life in general ... however ... there are plenty of people offering to let you into their members-only discussion forums or mailing lists for a fee.  Why anyone would pay such a fee without seeing clear evidence of the benefits of it is a mystery to me.

    Did you ever look into Warrior Trading/Ross Cameron on YT?  (Among others.)  These people Find and Trade breakouts.  

    He has thousands of students around the world and each day, Live on YT he talks you thru his Watchlist of Gappers etc.  Then the following Day, he does a recap of Gains or Losses.  Yeah it's about making money for him.  so what.  Everything is.  you go to work it's about selling your time to your employer; you have value and what you know or do has value.  Therefore in this world, sell your info.....

    However, I've not been able to follow as the stocks he uses are not available with IG..!

  13. In fact @Caseynotes I'll do my very best here to clear it all up for you in fine detail so we can avoid this moving forward.  It's repetitive.

    I was as green as fresh grass when I started back in March, but what I had been studying was Breakouts, or more specifically, the Buying and Selling of Shares below £5 on News or a Catalyst, where I could trade in seconds or minutes and take profits of 1:1 or better.  where i would trade on the 1m 5m and buy the 1st pullback and sell the rise.  At the time I didn't know we had Spread betting in the UK, so as I discovered the Demo platforms of several of the UK providers, I put my time to working out how to use them.  My immediate goal was to understand the charts and the platform specifically.  After a good success rate on the Demo, I decided I needed to go Live to see the real world difference in time between placing a trade and exiting.  It is here where i lost my way.  I had abandoned my Trading Plan in lieu of proving success or recovering losses.  At the point you reference above, I hadn't realised that my strategy was not suitable to slow moving chart patterns that would go up and down, hence my Shallow Stops where I'd make profit and give it away again.  Still it took 3 weeks to lose £400, but you must understand it wasn't a simple case of me Losing EVERY trade.  I made back £250 in one day!, only to lose it all over the following week.   However, I left to Buy Pinterest shares at the point of being down £400.  I must stress that I was up and down in profit at this point, but on a downward trajectory.

    I was not adhering to my Trading Plan as stated above; Finding and Trading Breakouts!  I was trying to apply the same principles to Spread Betting on Slow Moving Targets.  It didn't work.  At the point of me seeking advice, I had already lost £200 but couldn't figure out why.  This resulted in a downward spiraling fear that never left me.  The advice given wasn't how to trade Breakouts effectively, but how to manage a small account and apply it to Spread Betting. i.e small stake, larger stops.  But that was never my Goal!  

    So when I say the advice I was given didn't suit my Goal, I hope you can see where I'm coming from.

    Spread Betting hasn't beat me.  IG hasn't Beat Me.  I have failed to understand that trading breakouts on Small Cap stock, is very difficult with Spread Betting.  It's not rocket science!  But it has been a necessary learning curve.

    The advice I've received here has been invaluable as I have stated in the the past and most recently, but it has never been the advice toward my Goal.  Day Trading Breakouts.

    I have continued to try and adjust my Strategy to the likes of Indicies and FX, but I've not applied the necessary Stops etc. to make it work as it's never been my Goal.

    I thank you again for your time and help but try not to take it so personally.  This is my journey and my story.  It's relevant to me only.  You have just been here to witness the ride.  It's not necessary for you to save/search/scour my posts for messages I posted about my own journey and experience, in order to validate your input.  Relax.  You're not on trail.

    Can you show a real time stream of a Day Trade of small cap with a small account using IG and the Retail Platform?

    If you can I could have done with the info back in April.  If you can't then you're giving me advice on how You trade, not how I and thousands of other people around the world want to.


  14. 4 minutes ago, andysinclair said:

    It sounds like you need an automated scanner to find such opportunities. IG Index has an API which can be used to build applications, if you can define the "rules" which identify such opportunities then a system could be built which could be constantly monitoring various markets and alert you when your rules are met.

    I can't see how you could ever trade like this without some automated help.

    Indeed.  It's been a long journey for it to finally sink in.  Spread Betting was never in my Action Plan.  I've tried to make it work and failed.  I've been trying to fit the round peg in the square hole for far too long.

    I've no Idea what IG Index or API is so I'll look into it.  Thanks.

  15. 7 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

    err, hate to be the one to remind you but when you joined the forum back in April this was the sort of stuff you were posting, losing all the time, that's why people started offering advice in the first place.



    In relation to Spread Betting!

    It's not personal.

    I don't know why you feel the need to keep coming back to 'Trip Me Up'...

    you won't get me pal.  It's not a game.  it's not a con. I'm not trying to Ruin your Good name.!

    Spread Betting doesn't work with regard to my Goals from the start.  Its taken me far to long to realise this.

  16. On 31/08/2019 at 18:38, dmedin said:

    JFC.  Why do I keep trying when I keep losing?  Do you think IG pays people to post encouragements on this forum?  A bit like how addicts can be triggered by references to their addiction?

    Despite the wealth of advice in this forum, it's only when i started taking it that i started losing it all.  Let me explain.

    Like I've said from the start, I want to Day Trade.  In and Out in seconds or minutes.  To do this I need a few things in place, which I've not at all done.   I need a Pre Market Scanner,  Volume, Access to L2/DMA and Hot keys.  I need to be able to trade Small Cap Stock.  None of the advice I've ever been given, has been to do with Day Trading and trading Breakouts.  Despite the un-countable amount of traders around the world doing it, the advice in here has always been to stay away.  Have you looked into it?  How to Trade Breakouts?   It is possible to do on here, but not with Small Cap.   For instance, Dell had a small spike on Friday I think.  Using the demo I had to search thru the entire US catalogue to find something that was moving Pre Market. (not at all easy to do on here) I risked £50 of Stop at the first pullback, and got out for a quick £100.  took seconds.  The trick is your consistency, not your Stop.  If you can get it right 

    NONE of these things are available with IG, and the way Spread Betting works NONE of the small cap stock are available to me to trade in the manner above.  So, from Day 1 with IG (not specifically-Spread betting) I've been doomed.  I have no way to filter the thousands of Stocks on show.  It's tedius and frustrating.  I'm guessing 95% of the UK Small Caps aren't available to trade on.  There are no Not Keys that allow me instant in and out actions.  This retail platform is unreliable for me.

    Almost every stock on the move here is Un-vailable to Trade.  It's like Breakouts are a No-No on purpose; of course it makes sense.  If I'd been successful in finding them, Filtering them and correctly anticipating them, then I would have never lost a trade.  How does IG make money?  Thru my frustration of not being able to find a decent trade, so end up taking a Punt on some no volume slow moving stock that has a spread so large I could fall in it.

    But here's the thing.  A hot rock is just a hot rock.  Being mad at it cos you picked it up and it burnt your fingers is a lesson in futility.  You need to know how to handle it.  This is the advice that comes from here most often, it's just a little vague.

    It would have been great if from the start everyone had said to me, 'Oh you want to trade Breakouts?  It's not a good idea with SpreadBetting as most of the small cap stock is un-available.  You'll really need L2/DMA and Pre Market Scanner and hotkeys for that.  Maybe trade stock directly instead and pay a monthly to get access to realtime charts L2/DMA etc.'.................because for 2 months prior to joining IG this is what I was learning.

    Of course Spread Betting works.  But it's no good for Day Traders with small accounts looking for small cap stock.


    • Like 1
  17. 16 hours ago, dmedin said:

    Maybe one day you'll learn the ultimate lesson: that this is all fool's gold and there are a lot of people laughing behind your back for taking it seriously.

    74% of punters get bent over and take it dry ... how you like them odds?

    lol.  I'm starting to think you don't trust the game rules :D

    I still believe i can do this.  Just need bigger stops smaller stake. as far as FTSE goes anyway.

    Finding Breakouts is still my goal.

    • Like 1
  18. On 24/08/2019 at 11:56, Caseynotes said:

    That reminds me I wrote something about learning on mt4 and forgot to post it, let me find it.

    Morning  Casey, did you find your post? :D

    My New New learning starts today.

    I'm trying out CMC at the moment.  Their chart performance is well beyond IG's.

  19. 33 minutes ago, TrendFollower said:

    Of course you must decide what is best for your £1k but why not let it grow and build and investment portfolio and then use your profits from that to trade? That is what I do. 

    Thats sounds like a plan to consider.  I have Pinterest.  they are up 50% so far.  I'm hoping for big returns in the future.

    We spoke briefly in the past about tech and A.I.  I have about 5k for investing.

    I'll see what is about and keep an eye on your posts.



    2 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

    So that would be something like trading the ftse on a 1 - 4 hour chart using 10 pence per point on the mt4 platform. So you're risking real money, enough to hurt your pride but not your account.

    I'm going to check out the MT4 platform too and DMA.  Seems I'll need to pay monthly for the privilege.

    Round 2 to follow.


  21. 5 hours ago, TrendFollower said:

    . I trade using trend following and my positions are normally held for weeks if not months.

    Trend......f you can hold positions for months.......then you have a considerable account size compared to mine m friend.

    I've told you my account size from day one.  There's not a chance i hell i can afford to hold positions fro such a time.  The past month is testament to that alone.  Reversals into the hundreds!

  22. 2 hours ago, TrendFollower said:

    Why not do it on indices on this platform? 

    Trend, I'm not sure if you've tried other platforms.  The retail platform here is really bad for me.  I've commented on it since I joined back in March.  It's laggy, buggy, and I feel it's unreliable.

    I've tried other platforms since and they are amazingly smooth and accurate.  I can only confirm there might be a problem with the 'New' platform as there are other instances since it went live going back a few years.  I've also conceded there may be an issue my end, but I've had no technical feedback from IG.  Hence my desire to look elsewhere.

    My losses are to do with me alone.  But some are to do with the platform; or the problems I have directly related to it.

    My learning is still active.  I was just lucky today finding the FTSE going down.  Too often i get in too early or at the wrong point.  But I can't go back to the demo; especially with IG.

    On at least 3 other platforms i can drag the chart around in real time with zero lag.  I can't do this with IG.

    Case in point; today I had a position open on the demo.  I had a stop at -£75.  I tried to move the chart around but it was lagging.  I accidentally moved the Stop position on the chart and created a Stop of -£150.  The minimum Stop was 12pts, so I had to wait for it to make sure it didn't drop further than my original stop.

    Anyway.  I've left the Platform, not the forum, though I doubt I'll be adding much when i find a new one.

    As a parting gift Trend, maybe you can offer a thought on what to do with only 1k?


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