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Posts posted by Bopperz

  1. 2 minutes ago, CaptainSamurai said:

    The 1% rule is often parroted around but the people who propagate it rarely understand risk.  If someone is telling you "only risk 1% per trade", I would follow up by asking why 1% and not 1.2% and not 0.7% -- their answer will demonstrate how clueless they are.


    The number is back calculated to minimise the risk of going bankrupt. It should ideally be calibrated to the win/loss ratio of your strategy.

    Risking 5%, would allow you 20 losses in a row, before wiping you out. But after 10 losses you would barely be surviving, remember once you have lost half your capital, you need a 100% return, just to break even.

    Basically, you want to risk a lot less than you think you should. Once you have a track record, increase it.

    • Like 1
  2. Hi,

    The query of open trades is returning incorrect data in the market.netChange. It should return the daily change in price in native units.

    Incorrect data underlined.

    Query: https://demo-api.ig.com/gateway/deal/positions

    market.instrumentName market.expiry market.epic market.instrumentType market.lotSize market.high market.low market.percentageChange market.netChange market.bid market.offer market.updateTime market.updateTimeUTC market.delayTime market.streamingPricesAvailable market.marketStatus market.scalingFactor
    London Cocoa Mar-21 CO.D.LCC.Month7.IP COMMODITIES 1 1769 1741 1.03 18 1761 1767 11:36:04 11:36:04 0 TRUE TRADEABLE 1
    Copper DFB CS.D.COPPER.TODAY.IP CURRENCIES 1 8409.9 8308.8 0.08 8361.9 8356.9 8366.9 11:37:38 11:37:38 0 TRUE TRADEABLE 1
    Zinc DFB CS.D.ZINC.TODAY.IP CURRENCIES 1 2847.9 2805.4 0 2824.9 2821.9 2827.9 11:37:12 11:37:12 0 TRUE TRADEABLE 1
  3. Congratulations.

    Could it be luck? Possibly, how many trades did you take? If you can sustain this PnL over 20/50/100 trades you are golden.

    Also, be very very careful about your potential loss as a percentage of your capital. If you had lost £500 this month, you would need a 100% return, just to get back to your starting point. Aim for 2% capital risk per trade as a rule of thumb. (There is plenty of research material on this subject).

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