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  1. This is very Interesting; Yet amazingly "Hey Ho!! - and By Magic" my previous post that I placed on this very subject between March and April of 2021 seems to have vanished or been removed🤔. Now why is this? I had and still have, exactly the same problem, in that my individual trading account totals DO NOT BALANCE to that of my P&L Workspace Total. I have no end of examples along with Screenshots as proof this has occurred and I've provided such to IG. Ironically I reported these inaccuracies to the IG IT Team over 15 months ago. I even had this confirmed back by them, both verbally and in writing, that the totals do not balance. Which by default disadvantages customers continuously, because they cannot obtain a quick visual of their current true balance trading account as should be the case within the workspace P&L Total. I have reported this to the FAC and Financial Ombudsman to which the later are investigating. Up until recently my original post, placed a couple of months ago, was still visual but somehow has now vanished. Why would this be? and I wonder how long this posting will survive? It would be advantageous to hear of how many more of IG customers are experiencing this scenario or in deed have experienced these types of miscalculations in the past. For future proof of this posting I am taking yet another Screen Shot, before this inadvertently disappears.
  2. Firstly: To find a profit/Loss total simply click the small triangle icon alongside your total figure within your Workspace bar at the top of your worksheet. This should provide a drop down menu whereby you have many various choices as to how you would like to see you individual trades displayed. Secondly: I too have been having horrendous problems with the profit/Loss total balancing figures in my Workspace totals, verses my individual totals and grand total, they just do not balance. I raised a serious complaint about this 15 months ago and their It department confirmed in writing and verbally that they have a problem which will take some time to fix. I lost thousands of pounds waiting for them to come back to me to confirm the fix had been completed. Their complaints and compliance team offered me £200 for inconvenience as a settlement. Needless to say they were further insulting me. So I escalated my complaint with the financial ombudsmen who is currently investigating IG. To this day IG still have never replied to fixing the the problem. It begs the question as to how many customers are having to suffer this distasteful practice.
  3. Last night on 20/11/2020 at the close of trading, at 21:02 I looked at my screen to see I was making a healthy profit. Astonishingly within hours, "long after markets had closed" I looked at my IG account again before closing down and was horrified to see many, many thousands of pounds had vanished and/or been wiped from my trading P&L figures. This is far from the first time this has occurred. Yet when it's reported and, in this particular case via email, simply because no other channels were open or available when attempting to contact IG support. It's now over 18+ hours since I initially registered the problem yet nobody from IG has bothered to make contact. This raises bigger concerns as to why not? Has, or is, any other readers experiencing these type of problems? Fortunately I took and sent screen shots of my glaring loss and miscalculations yet still heard nothing!! Further is anyone else frustrated with the lack of IG support and contact over these past months? No doubt IG will use some form of strap line "Due to Covid19" but this frankly does no wash with this type of business. Whether working from home, within a UK office or any other location worldwide, IT systems are readily to hand, as too are telephones so why do we have to wait as long as we do? Regards Doug W.
  4. Hi All, Has anyone experienced, 'either in the past or currently' that their total profit/loss displayed on the Worspace screen does match or correlate to the total Profit/loss on the position screen? Therefore making it an impossible task to identify your true profit and loss at any given time? I have no end of screen shots as proof this is happening with screen shots taken within that same minute (even when the markets are closed).
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