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Everything posted by SonnyCrockett

  1. Hm I noticed this on AIM market as well, but I thought its because less liquid shares are traded in a different way
  2. Auto code generators are so 2000's . I'm at a point of my career where "no code" wins over "automatically generated code" every time for me. If the price of having 0 mapping objects in contrast to 20 (as you would need for a rest api with 10 endpoints - request, response) is that you loose strong types (what most people are annoyed is that there is no intelli sense or auto complete to help you) then I'm willing to pay that price. I'll cover my **** with tests anyway. No seriously, as I said I'm a C# developer mainly, but I'm not in denial that popularity of C# and Java have been in decline for the last 10 years. MS has this tendency to screw things up, I love C# as I loved Windows Phones back in the day... I never used C++ professionally, would love to, but there is only that many hours in a day...
  3. I would add it is because of the popularity of the packages that are used in data science. Comparing the numbers of modules in all package managers Python doesn't stand out. First there is NPM for Javascript way above and then there is everyone else. I think there is just too much ceremony involved in OO languages to get basic math concepts working. You don't need to know about polymorphism, inheritance, abstract classes, constructors, interfaces static & instance data types...if all you want to do is crunch some numbers. I enjoyed learning Python a lot more than I enjoyed learning subtle differences between C# and Java. Some other stuff I really like in Python: Parsing JSON. It feels so natural. In Java & C# I would spent 1 day to find the best framework, then create all the objects to map JSON data, in Python JSON is just a dictionary data structure. It is 1 line to convert JSON string into a dictionary and then you just use the dictionary syntax to read/write data. It teaches you to write tests. You need tests for everything, knowing that there is no compiler to back you up, your code coverage needs to be a lot higher than when working with strongly typed languages. You just open a file and start writing code, without the need to declare any classes, static main functions, configure the project with what to run etc... Agree. But we are not trading firms building platforms for thousands of consumers. So to each his own Sorry for hijacking the thread @TheGuru12
  4. I'm a C#, Java developer, but I love doing Python + AWS for my "trading projects" that I have started working (learning) on in the beginning of the quarantine. It's so faster to prototype something and most of the prototypes I can just deploy to production afterwards since speed is not of importance. Also another reason I started learning Python this year is this: Stackoverflow 2019 developer survey:
  5. They offer to bet on the price using their "grey market" (CFD's) feature if you want early access https://www.ig.com/en/glossary-trading-terms/grey-market-definition I haven't tried this yet so it would be interesting to hear from someone who participated in an IPO using this.
  6. Interesting, my access to the L2 Dealer platform has been revoked after posting this question
  7. Hi, I am a new "L2 Dealer Platform" user and was familiarising myself with the "L2 Screen" this week. I am attaching a print-screen I made during the opening auction on Friday. The print-screen shows "Matching Price 310.00" (upper left corner), although the highest bid at the moment is "298.00" Is this a bug in the software? I don't understand how auctions work? If the reason is 2., can someone explain how can the matching price be higher than the best bid (or lower than the best ask)??? Thank you
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