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FFS_Daytrader last won the day on March 14

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  1. Who are you moving to? Is anybody else better..I've opened a demo account with IBKR, cant even access the platform!!! So all ****!!
  2. I will be looking to open multiple accounts with different brokers so can trade with one if another halts certain stocks - think this is the only way forward (for me)
  3. You only need to worry about the stock listed which have margin increases at 4pm monday - other than that its trading as normal (for how long "normal" remains for other stock who knows!!)
  4. I have been for 12 years with IG . 12 years building trust . Just one email destroy everything . IG you show your truly colours. Same here - they have made a lot of money out of us and now its our turn...they slam the door shut!!! We need a coordinated effort to push against them but FCA has no teeth to change anything by Monday 4pm!!!
  5. Whilst we have a valid argument and can continue for some recourse, the real matter in hand is making sure you have funds in your IG account by 4pm on Monday to cover the 100% margin spike on stocks highlighted by IG. How may us have liquidity to cover say GME 32496 @ £1pp or AMC 1324@ £5pp??!!!! If you have these stocks on IG list - take action before 4pm or watch for huge margin calls and positions being stopped out.
  6. All this talking of moving brokers - are they not all the same and doing the same restrictions? Are there any decent brokers out there who have not blocked trades and hiked margins?
  7. I agree to all the comments and also felt frustrated the platform online & App "conveniently" went offline for 3 days on the trot exactly when the US opened. We all know that Robinhood have had to reverse their restrictions/limits on deemed volatile stock so why has IG now decide to restrict retail investors - will probably get the same BS about protecting retail investors!!! I am a bit pissed off with this constant rule changes against retail investors - EC ruling/higher margins/no Crypto dealing/restricted trading/even higher margins of 100% to name a few!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I am looking for a new broker who will allow more fair dealing plus I want premarket trading and prepaid to pay a higher price for a better service!! Does anybody know a broker who offers the above? is IB anygood?
  8. Looking back on previous ProOrder issues, it does appear that maintenance is carried out on weekends but not communicated in any way to users....very poor to say the least when we all do tweaking and backtesting of our systems on weekends!
  9. Yes - I am having same issue, states " You are temporarily disconnected" and reconnection has been looping for 2 days. I have sent an email to ProRealTime but maybe IG helpdesk can help?
  10. Agreed - looking for breakout but will be range bound until FOMC with possible short term spike on rate decision. However, now that FOMC 25 point is expected (rather than 50 point) I expect gold to pull back to range again thereafter. What do you think?
  11. Thanks Casey - I must get into the habit of uploading my charts etc to support my view (still learning as always)
  12. Oil looks under pressure today - broken channel minor support and heading toward 5573 (38.20% Fib)
  13. If having sight of your balance is important try opening 2 tabs and logging in on IG on both. Use one tab to show the Trading platform and the other tab to show My IG (this shows funds/Margin/Available/Profit+Loss on the main Dashboard).
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