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Can I link my IG Trades automatically into Yahoo Finance and is there a better way to keep track of everything?


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Struggling to get a overview of all Stocks and analysis of performance. I want to keep tab of all investments in one platform. I use IG for my Trades but want to group in different sectors like:  Software and services, Commodities, etc

Two Questions

1) Yahoo Finance seems to offer a good platform for this, but want to automate the link between IG Trades and Yahoo, can I do this, and how?

2) If there a better way to keep track of everything I am open to that also, any suggestions?

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Hi @BradleyP

Unfortunately it is not possible to link IG trades to Yahoo, and what we offer in terms of tracking open positions is what is available in the positions window. Being able to categorize open positions between sectors is a good suggestion and we will pass this feedback on to our developers. 

All the best


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I suggest you build something in Excel to keep track of your portfolio.

You can use an Add-in that I have built that connects to both Yahoo Finance and IG Index (spread betting and CFD, not shares as it uses the IG API): https://www.excelpricefeed.com/

The Add-in provides formulas, such as =EPF.Yahoo.Sector("AAPL") which will populate a cell with the industry sector for Apple stock.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any feedback or need any help.

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8 hours ago, andysinclair said:

I suggest you build something in Excel to keep track of your portfolio.

You can use an Add-in that I have built that connects to both Yahoo Finance and IG Index (spread betting and CFD, not shares as it uses the IG API): https://www.excelpricefeed.com/

The Add-in provides formulas, such as =EPF.Yahoo.Sector("AAPL") which will populate a cell with the industry sector for Apple stock.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any feedback or need any help.

Nice gadget.

I don't use Excel but I will point some friends to it. 

Thanks for sharing. 

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