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Profitable Indices trading strategies

Guest oilfxpro

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Guest oilfxpro

Many of these systems on indices have been traded  on live accounts.


Profitable index trading strategies and information is all freely available.Test it on demo for a few months before using real money.Test them and back test these strategies before using any strategy from youtube or the internet.


profitable traders profitable trading system profitable trading method

Learn the truth about profitable successful & professional indices stock market index trading


Warning :Before using any strategy  read the following .

Trading leveraged products  can result in losses that exceed deposits. Trading carries risk of loss. Please ensure you fully understand the risks and take care to manage your exposure.


Read the links provided and the information provided here in this site, test on demo and back test it. Practice it on demo for 6 months (if you are a new trader), unlimited demo accounts are available for live account holders at I G Index. Practice until you are not making mistakes on demo account.  for at least 1 month mistake free trading.Read trading psychology and how the mind behaves in trading.


Trading strategies can be unprofitable for a period of time, please understand this concept.




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Guest oilfxpro

Traders have to follow above site in first post.




Index trading is easy and contradicts what this video below suggest.Most gurus in trading are non traders, they know nothing about real trading.They talk nonsense!




Index trading is very difficult.  Indices move very fast and a winning position can turn into a big losing one in just an hour or two.  that's part of that attraction - obviously because its an index there are a lot of stocks that make up an index. An index is giving you a measure of sentiment in the market. A company can go to zero but that's unlikely to happen to an index.








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Guest oilfxpro

NIce educational videos on dax. Please back test whatever strategy you trade.


I trade options on dax as per this strategy.











Momentum trading of the DAX 30, using stochastic indicators to trade effectively


  Trading the DAX 30




How To Start Trading The Dax (Simple System or Strategy)



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You have been going around in circles for the last 2 years on this forum 'system hopping', claiming to be a total success while always being disingenuous to all other posters. And it turns out that over the last 2 years you have amassed an account totalling a 'self confessed' £1000  while claiming 20 - 30 % profit a week.


Do you perhaps see that some might find this incongruous?

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'There is evidence on the site showing indices trading can profitable'

You could just look at hedge funds and investment institutions which are profitable via indices trading. With regards to the site there are only 2 weeks of a trading journal which is not long enough to say there is evidence of profitable trading.

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If you have back tested it then why do you start with an account of £1000 and not £10,000?


Have you had a recent buy at support trade? Recently you've mentioned a retracement trade which didn't work out. Have you also back tested the retracement trade and is it also profitable in the long run.


I don't understand why you traded a different set up if you know buying at support is profitable.

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Guest oilfxpro

a)most back testing is useless, because of psychology.An understanding of trading psychology is required, to know why most back testing is useless. Back testing does not always cover everything , about the trader and his own mindset.I had to approach this trading with caution, using a small account and increase the account, if all is OK.I am hoping to go to a £50 k account soon.


This subject is huge, to learn more 


Most back testing is useless





b)I don't need to  back test trend retrace strategy on the indices,  a look at weekly charts  will show how retraces eventually rebounds from the retraces or dips. I look at losing trades as part of a series of option trades entries, if one fails it is the profitable ones that matter.Just allow   1,000 ticks draw down  may happen in a bear market.It is all about taking risk


c)Buying at supports is not always profitable, sometimes I miss the support trades, in which case I will use trend based entry.



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Guest oilfxpro

Casey"You have included the word 'profitable' in the title while offering no statistical analysis to back the claim. Clearly spurious".



Last week I  started trading stupid forex, it lost me 20%  whereas  indices made 40 %, so net profit was 20 %.I have now stopped trading forex.From my own experience and huge experience, I  have always found indices trading profitable.If it is profitable for me, it is profitable.




How many years should I show profitable results for, before I can call it profitable?I suggest your people at trade city provide audited certified accounts for proving forex is profitable, in the meantime I will claim it as profitable.





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