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Professional profitable price action strategies free education

Guest oilfxpro

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Guest oilfxpro

The images and systems are posted here, they are my own work.It is free I don't sell anything.


use highly selective subjective  combination of price action, technical analysis & trend trading 


Here is my secret :I use highly selective subjective  combination of price action, technical analysis , trend trading , options  set and forget and a psychologically correct method.This is why I can call my trades in advance, have the confidence to call my trades in advance.I never said trend following can't work , it fails more times than it works.Same applies to price action and technical analysis. All work about 30 % of the time.






Edited to include the following information.

Most of this pa is worthless due to psychology and market timing, since Charlatans are selling it , I am giving it away free.I have been past all this nonsense education and charlatan educators on forums.George Soros a forum fake is buying from real traders, a price action course.


The secret of trading success is very simple.It is posted here





Most of this price action education is done in hindsight, but you must prepare by practicing for at least 6 months on demo.I G provides unlimited expiry demo for live account holders.


edit end 11/01/2018





predictive chart pattern 1.jpgPREDICTIVE CHART PATTERN 1.pngPREDICTIVE CHART PATTERN 2.jpgPREDICTIVE CHART PATTERN 3.jpgPREDICTIVE CHART PATTERN 4.jpgPREDICTIVE CHART PATTERN 5.jpgPREDICTIVE CHART PATTERN 6.jpgpredictive chart pattern 7.jpgpredictive chart pattern 8.jpgpredictive chart pattern 9.jpgpredictive chart pattern 10.jpgpredictive chart pattern 11 6 bottoms retracement.jpgpredictive chart pattern 12 8 bottoms retracement.jpgpredictive chart pattern 13 6 bottoms retracement.jpgpredictive chart pattern 14 confirmed resistance.jpgpredictive chart pattern 15 confirmed trend line resistance.jpgpredictive chart pattern 16.jpgpredictive chart pattern 17 retrace to intended direction of prices.jpgpredictive chart pattern 18  wicks long legged dozis.jpgpredictive chart pattern 19 head and shoulders along a trend line.jpgpredictive chart pattern 20 false trend line breaks.jpgpredictive chart pattern 21 triple trend lines result.jpgpredictive chart pattern 21 triple trend lines.jpgpredictive chart pattern 22 saucers.jpgpredictive chart pattern 23  price direction.jpgpredictive chart pattern 24  price direction.jpgPREDICTIVE CHART PATTERN 25.jpgPREDICTIVE CHART PATTERN 26  first and second breaks.jpgPREDICTIVE CHART PATTERN 27  stochastics on 1 hour plus time frames.jpgPREDICTIVE CHART PATTERN 28 trend line on stochatics ndicator   stochastics on 1 hour plus time frames.jpgPREDICTIVE CHART PATTERN 29 fails to break resistance.jpgPREDICTIVE CHART PATTERN 30 SPIKES.jpgPREDICTIVE CHART PATTERN 35.jpgpredictive e e usd channel.pngpredictive e usd channel 2.png

trade city george soros2.giftrade city.gif

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So all this stuff was posted on Trade2win or Forex Factory around 2012, certainly looks like you have had a go at just about everything, but stuck at nothing which is just what we see. The Trade2win seems to have dried up around the end of 2014 and you make a fresh start on here early 2016 with a new angle, set and forget options.


There is certainly more up to date educational material available, Tradeciety for example. Real traders who don't constantly system hop.




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Guest oilfxpro

more more diagnol support resistance



You can also go to youtube , by searching on google , with any word from the following threads and on the stock charts site .The example is , I want to find price action, and youtube comes up with the following videos.




A USD (DFB).jpgabove diagnol supportcorrect entry eusd.jpgbreak of diagnol support ftse-10 pips.PNGDIAGNOL RES BREAK egbp.jpgdiagnol res first break second break.jpgdiagnol support   eq res 2.jpgdiagnol support   eq res 3.jpgdiagnol support   eq res 4.jpgdiagnol support   eq res.jpgDIAGNOL SUPPORT RES.jpg

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Hi   because it is just another deception that when exposed is claimed to be just a joke, 'just for lulz' (didn't you get it?) And of course new traders on the forum are side-tracked into a dead end that takes them months to find their way out of, if their account lasts that long which it usually doesn't.

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Guest oilfxpro



Personally I believe traders have to learn by reading those charts and trying to absorb the price action by their own observation and intuition, this way the trader understands the price action.It is no good giving all these narratives/instructions to an individual, the beauty of price action(it is subjective is in the eye of the beholder).Price action which is subjective can not be taught,  these skills can not be transferred.They have to be experienced, and learned through experience.If price action was objective, it can be taught.


No matter what narrative is taught, price action skills and knowledge can not be transferred by a narrative.They have to be learnt by oneself, unless I give half a dozen simple p/a set ups to follow.


forum fakes.jpg




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Guest oilfxpro

I have seen your charts and I know no one can read them because you obliterate price action with so much TA (that you repeatedly contend is worthless).


Most of this pa is worthless due to psychology and market timing, since Charlatans are selling it , I am giving it away free.I have been past all this nonsense education and charlatan educators on forums.George Soros a forum fake is buying from real traders, a price action course.


tradecity price action course.gif



The secret of trading success is very simple.It is posted here





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Guest oilfxpro

price action videos with commentary


Don't believe everything they teach, a lot misinformation out there





















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oilfxpro wrote:

price action videos with commentary


Don't believe everything they teach, a lot misinformation out there











you say 'don't believe everything they teach' well why indeed post content that you cannot vouch for, or that even you find misleading

I am baffled as to the worth or purpose of this thread.


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