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#IGCryptoChat - 13th March - Follow Up

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At 2pm today, 13th March, we will be hosting the third #IGCryptoChat with former ethereum CCO, Stephan Tual, and DailyFX's Nick Crawley. We originally asked for questions here, but you can see the live video with the link below, or on catch up if you're watching after the event.



Stephan Tual: https://twitter.com/stephantual

ethereum organisation: https://ethereum.org/

slock.it link here: https://slock.it/

Atlas Neue: https://www.atlasneue.com/

MeetUp in London: https://www.meetup.com/ethereum/


There have also been a number of interesting events happening in the crypto space this last week, and some prominent technological proposals put forward. To continue the conversation have a loko at the links and videos below, and if you have any questions please ask away. 


1) Joseph Lubin, co-founder of ethereum and founder of ConsenSys, recently spoke at SXSW 2018. You can see a great 20 minute interview on Facebook here, and the Observer followed up with an article on how Blockchain could change everyday life


As one Reddit user who was at the event quoted "The ballroom was full which shows the strong interest regarding the technology. It was great to learn a bit more about what they are currently working on and how they are definitively thinking long term. No comment on the price but he made the point that the recent spike is good to attract attention, talents and capital to improve the technology."


2) With international womens day taking place last week there have been a couple of interesting articles out discussing women in blockchain. The NYT and Wired both ran interesting articles.


The NTY article on Women in Cryptocurrencies Push Back Against ‘Blockchain Bros’

The Wired article on Women in Cryptocurrency. A new effort to grow their ranks


3) Technological breakthroughs are 'pretty close' according to Vitalik Buterin, ethereums inventor. The much discussed and clearly road mapped 'Casper Proof of Stake (PoS)' which is set to overtake the the Proof of Work model. You can read that article here and watch a very enthusiastic individual give a parallel talk in the plaza to give those who couldn't make the talk a rough overview. 


For many within the space, they see Plasma Cash revolutionary and a key concept required to continue the scaling debate. 


4) A great Podcast (available on a number of providers such as Apple, Overcast, etc) which gives a clear and detailed look at some of the most important and noteworthy events in the cryptosphere over the course of an hour. Check it out on 11fs.com here.


5) Finally, if any of your questions weren't answered please feel free to add them below and we will try and get someone to reply to them. 

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Guest PandaFace

@rinmy2000 I would agree. Altho the sec and commodities dude from a month or so ago seemed to have an ok understanding.


The issue is this is a totally new asset class and they’re trying to fit it into preceding frameworks. Bets on how long that lasts before they see it failing and cobble together something new? You wouldn’t trade grain or co2 emissions on a stock based frame work so why squeeze a new asset into a stock / commodity / futures / options framework.


I would totally disagree. I think these chats have been great. If you don’t think the old COO of ethereum, block chain incubator CEO, and ex of slock.it doesn’t add anything to the crypto chat then that’s crazy. If you’re near London I’d suggest you go to one of his meet ups.


That said I mirror your thoughts on NC. Even from a price action point of view he didn’t seem to have an opinion. Maybe it was the camera or live show aspect. Who knows...

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