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Guest EA-trader

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Guest EA-trader

The trading industry is very good at marketing software, offering it to brokers, who in turn offer it to traders.This suits the brokerage model, in creating more spread income and more trading clients , but this model is not sustainable for the long term.The people who designed these gadgets, are not traders, they never made any money from trading , the industry carries on it's insanity of creating more analysis paralysis for traders. Already traders are bombarded with so much useless analysis, from over 50 indicators free on platforms(if these were any good ,why offer them for free,in any case one indicator does the job of 50 indicators).In the end ,we end up with more and more information, none of it used .


This is very much like IG offering a map to the trading gold, in the trading gold rush, but if you knew where the gold is , you would not be selling or giving this map of technical analysis for free.


The gold for IG and it's clients,in the future,is automated analysis tools and expert advisors , that software to use the automated analysis, which is executed by clients at I G.


The software is EAS or expert  advisors, eas can be programmed with indicators (another analysis tools), they can be programmed with japanese candlesticks patterns and price action settings.The expert advisors will automatically use the analysis of price action, candlesticks and indicators, all this analysis is already available,


IG should really look at providing about 20 expert advisors free to their clients, the clients just have to load them on their mt4 platforms, and start generating spread income , and if the designers of the eas are any good ,the clients are likely to benefit..


The industry is good at selling books ,software, maps and doing the same thing ,over and over again,expecting different results.Your intentions are good, but will your clients use your new analysis? Are you not just re-inventing the wheel?


Here is an example chart of all the analysis, a trader needs to look at support,resistance,trend lines,channels ,candlesticks  and an indicator.In fact I can even desig an indicator, it reads price action and tells the client ,it is high probability.


The second image ,with the bottom indicator, is reading price action, it is a price action indicator.I only use custom indicators (indicators made specially for me by me).The trend lines channel indicator, is also a custom indicator.These analysis tools are already giving me enough information ,to trade.


Buy them ,give them to all your clients, see the results.CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCIGPA.jpg



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Guest EA-trader

This is a real live example of automated trend scalper.It places trades,based on price action analysis and indicators, these are programmed into the EA.The Ea scalps with the trend.All a trader does,is load the EA and it trades for me.





The EA uses automated analysis and does everything automatically ,places the trades  and even requests funds withdrawal,like an ATM ea




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Guest EA-trader

It depends on what criteria of past information ,you use.I tend to use current strength of  instrument, rather than call it past..I look no longer than 7 to 60 days, but mainly today's present set up.

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Guest Bemused

I'm using the MT4 platform to trade through IG and I have a few automated algo's trading the US30 futures. A few of the EAs have similar entry triggers and I've started noticing that I'm getting hit at very different entry points across these EAs. For example, 2 EAs will enter a trade but they will trigger 2-3 sec apart. There are no errors in the executing, simply triggering a trade 2-3 secs apart when they should be equal. The differences are well beyond the standard of error i expect.


Does anyone have an idea why this is the case?



Also, can anyone explain why the demo data offers significantly different outcomes to the live data feed. The differences are immediate as per the last 24hrs of historical data. I'll run last nights trades through the demo account and the differences are so extreme the results are rendered useless.

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Guest Bemused

They've actually sent the signals 2 & 3 secs apart when technically on this setup they should have been identical.


Which is strange because the formula and code are identical and there are no errors recorded. They simply traded apart.


Could the pricing feed from IG have latency issues across different charts within MT4?


I have been hit at the same time previously and both EAs traded in and out as expected.

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