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Guest PandaFace

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Guest PandaFace

Thoughts on this over the next couple of weeks? Seems to have had a good week so far for sterling, but ideally it’ll push on. Any big macro economic blockers you can see?

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Guest PandaFace

Sorry that was poorly phrase... I guess I meant to say what macro blockers could you see from the BoE tomorrow. ‍♂️

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Hi ,  Carney said in Feb more rate hikes to come, then in April hinted a hike in May was not a done deal.

Expectations for a May hike dropped from 80% to 50% and sent sterling down. 


UK data has dropped off in recent months including the miss today on retail sales (-4.2%) and the expectations of a rise have fallen to just 8%. So it would seem tomorrow is all about the vote count and the mon pol summary to give hints for the rest of the year. 

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Guest EA-trader

Casey alias forum guru


When can we trade , what trade should we put on?


Should be buy eurgbp or sell eur gbp, or shall be do nothing?


Please offer a subjective discussion.


Thank You.



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ea-trader alias oilfxpro, I couldn't care less what you did though would suggest that now you have given up for good on your hundreds of failed options strategies you go back to hiding behind your ea's where you only need to post a few selected hindsight charts.

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Guest EA-trader

I would and use stochastics indicator like a pro does.I gave you a thread on stochastics. HOW TO TRADE LIKE A PRO.


Casey seems to bashing professional traders like oilfxpro, that is his opinion and privilege as a customer of IG, oilfxpro at least knew how to trade like a pro, and he could tell you a trade months in advance.


He was not a blind bat on a forum, i.e blind leading the blind.He had the **** to make trade calls in advance.



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But that's the thing isn't it, you never actually did call anything in advance, all you ever produced were unreadable hindsight charts and carefully selected and edited snippets of a couple of trades from a demo account history. No one took it seriously.

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Guest EA-trader

Bashing Goldman Sachs is more hilarious than  watching the BBC series quacks.


Everybody get the popcorn bags.

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Guest PandaFace

Thanks and thanks for your SEPARATE replies. Nice to chat to you both, but if you wanna go at each other could ya keep it off somewhere else. It’s getting tiresome.


EA - don’t be so confrontational and be a little more open minded to other people’s trade ideas and ways to trade. Sharing methods and educational videos is really helpful and people use them. I must admit I think you generally are the one to start things...


Casey - best refrain from posting his name and the wind up ya know?


Come on chaps it’s a good forum with this behind us...

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Guest EA-trader

Here is the original post, where a simple discussion is requested



Casey alias forum guru


When can we trade , what trade should we put on?


Should be buy eurgbp or sell eur gbp, or shall be do nothing?


Please offer a subjective discussion.


Thank You.



The answer should have been very polite and subjective .

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No you deliberately distort the truth as usual, Panda wrote;  "what macro blockers could you see from the BoE tomorrow".


Your input was not to Panda at all and had nothing to do with his question, it was aimed directly at me and was blatant baiting.




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Guest PandaFace

I read an interesting report actually on this saying that tbh at this point and time it’s all about the credibility of the BoE at this stage. The exact quote was the “interest rate policy decision and Inflation Report is not simply about guiding market expectations on the path of future policy, rather it's about the continued credibility of its ability to deliver any worthwhile guidance at all.”


I don’t know about you but that actually made me laugh out loud. Sassy.


Do you think the fact that he’s out of office in 2019 means Carney has almost lost a little …. Kazzaz and is focusing on his next steps? He’s had a relatively easy wave to ride on coming out of the financial melt down, and as far as I can see he’s pretty much done the same to the UK as he did to Canada. How much are the extortionate house prices down to MC?


Further to thi show much sway does someone at the top actually have? It’s all based on hella load of work from teams and teams of people right? He’s more a figure head.

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