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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Chilling out and enjoying the fine weather? You should be hunched in front of a computer, fat and miserable and losing money like the rest of us.
  2. Apparently oil is both plunging and rebounding at the same time ... in the mad scramble to find something to write about, its journos are constantly contradicting themselves!
  3. High time! Long may it last
  4. Could we? I hope so because I put a bet on 😊
  5. Will it pull back to the 200-day SMA (40 week)?
  6. Breaking below a near-three year uptrend with steadily lower highs and lower lows. Could we see a fall all the way down to $300?
  7. 'Even the M15' lol. 15 minutes is about as low as I would contemplate going, and even then I feel it gives me signals to exit far too soon.
  8. Well, on the plus side you got some exercise, enjoyed the weather and lived a good life. On the other hand you missed the misery, bitterness and utter futility of day trading on financial markets.
  9. Missed a cracking wee opportunity to go short on oil.
  10. How did you trade it though? The one on the left shows a break above R1 then a fall back down. The one on the right shows a sustained break for one candlestick period. So, if you are trading a breakout from R1 you lose 50% and win 50%. Not great odds really. If you wait for a pullback, then you miss all of the substantial breakout and get very little. Tricky. Difficult to call.
  11. 86% of punters long in this dying market!
  12. Maybies up, maybies down ... maybies nor up nor down ... maybe the Grand Old Duke o' York knows
  13. John J. Murphy, 'Technical analysis'
  14. Still using Flash? lol. Almost as bad as PRT using Java. Yuck to horrible legacy technology.
  15. How low can the yummy non-bacon buttie go, Jo?
  16. JD looks like it's on the verge of breaking out above 650! 😱
  17. Looks like a much lower high, hoping it is followed by a much lower low 😺
  18. Company reports good earnings, share price drops precipitously.
  19. I had to close out at a small loss, can't bear the thought of keeping a position open when earnings is released. But hopefully it will be clear which way to go at about 9am tomorrow 🤓
  20. Crikey, Greggs reports earnings next week. Seems like just yesterday when it last reported its earnings. I still think it's on a wave down but I should probably get out asap until after the earnings are reported.
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