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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Gone short on DAX and FTSE 100 in hopes of getting some money back
  2. Next lesson, I entered too late. Here is when I should have gone long. The position would still be open (using risk:reward of 1:2), could be taken out soon but losses would be less.
  3. Went long twice this week and lost both times for a pretty hefty loss (over £200). Need to learn some lessons. First of all, the price action pretty much mirrored GBP/USD, and the losses would have been less if I'd just traded GBP/USD. So, there's the first lesson.
  4. I do Tom, I just needed to get a grip on myself this morning.
  5. Massive forex pair whipsaws. Totally @ss raped this week.
  6. Looks like the hourly time frame is no good for me, as I just don't have the patience for it. And I've spent so much time looking at charts that I have very few skills that would make me employable elsewhere. It's five minutes or bust - noose time
  7. No shorting. Another unfruitful day for DJIA on the hourly time frame. (In August there have been three trades signalled using my rules so far, and only one of them made money. Yuck!)
  8. From FX pairs though, not indices. Note to self: stop trying to trade forex
  9. Today is shaping up to be an even bigger stinker than Wednesday. Devastating losses for me this week 😢
  10. This one was profitable, at least 😘
  11. Bordering on short territory 🤔
  12. The b!tch is back, ready to slap you in the face with her handbag!
  13. It's called a 'professional' account but you don't need to be a 'professional' to get one, you just need to be rich
  14. 'The trading industry needs a constant fresh supply of losers' - Dr Alexander Elder
  15. I am, and I struggle to find other things to do during the day to keep me occupied and away from trading
  16. I mean, I don't do 5 minute charts going long and short based on incredibly fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants signals, but maybe that's the only way to profit from 3 - 4 weeks of price going absolutely f*king nowhere (on hourly, 4 hour and daily charts)
  17. Only long when the price is above 200 EMA
  18. Another day of sheeeit, I've got to stop watching markets - just too depressing - and stick to mechanical trading.
  19. Wonder if PMI will stop the selloff A lot of resistance to going any higher, stalemate for weeks on end 😢
  20. HAHAHAHAHA https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-britain-singing/singing-is-no-more-of-a-covid-19-risk-than-talking-but-volume-matters-uk-study-finds-idUKKBN25G1LQ
  21. Might be time to get back in, just not any FTSE 100 stock
  22. Back down so soon, canny loon?
  23. I don't think so. Looks like a collection of Chris Beauchamp's Twitter faves (all right-wing). Anyway, almost all Twitter commentators on the markets are total c*nts. Why listen to any of them?
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