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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Financial professionals are just bullsh!tters in fancy suits
  2. Mighty me, Peregrin Took! What a day! 🤪🤯
  3. dmedin


    Buy the dips, jaunty loons 😘
  4. The pain and suffering could be just starting for millions of people. Although key sectors such as housing have begun to show signs of a rebound, analysts have warned that the mini-boom could go bust once the government’s jobs subsidy programme closes in less than three months’ time and a tax cut expires at the end of March. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-stocks/ex-dividend-trading-trips-ftse-100-national-express-tumbles-idUKKCN2590T8
  5. S&P 500 breaks through Eileen 😍
  6. *parp!* Ooh that smells like rotten eggs!
  7. What do you need an API for, can't you read a chart 🤪
  8. dmedin


    It's not looking canny, Eileen
  9. I'm long gas just now 🤓
  10. It's so good I bought a year's subscription for a hundred bucks 🤓
  11. Proof that the ridiculous spiking candles are not a phenomenon unique to IG
  12. Indices are on the way down this morning
  13. 200 hour EMA acts as support, Tamsin 😘
  14. dmedin


    Need to see a move above 6632 before going long and a move below 6227 before going short 🤔
  15. Heading back down now, Jessamine 😘
  16. The Aussie index is having a 'senior moment', Peregrin Took 🤪
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