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Beware of malware Chrome extensions!

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On 13/10/2020 at 04:10, jlz said:

You are crazier that I thought :D

Going through every single post I posted to mark it with a sad face is a move that I wasn't expecting. How old are you? fifteen? 

Just for your information, I never ever marked any of your posts. I simply don't do that. The only move I do is to like it if I do, but there is no way I will select any of those stupid faces to mark a post. Seriously, someone is playing with you big time. 

I don't care if you keep doing this childish thing, it makes me laugh so you can carry on. Just think about that I am showing myself plainly with every move, and if I don't like something I will tell you straight away with a message, there is no way I am going to add a sad face to a post.

You have pissed off so many people that now they are playing with you. Well deserved because you are a w4nker, but Detective don't attack the wrong person because that will hurt you even more.


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I wonder if an extension can monitor you keystrokes while you're trading?  Scary stuff guys

Remember this is a largely unmoderated forum that lets you post attachments in BAT format (which is a kind of file that executes commands on a Windows system) so don't trust a f*king thing.  BE SAFE - the guys on here are NOT here to help you.

Edited by dmedin
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4 minutes ago, dmedin said:

I wonder if an extension can monitor you keystrokes while you're trading?  Scary stuff guys

Anyone that knows a little bit of JavaScript can see that the script is just going through the DOM images and hides the section that are included into.

"keystrokes" "hacking" :D  :D :D :D :D :D :D 

You are funny after all.

Edited by jlz
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On 19/10/2020 at 05:59, jlz said:

Anyone that knows a little bit of JavaScript can see that the script is just going through the DOM images and hides the section that are included into.

"keystrokes" "hacking" :D  :D :D :D :D :D :D 

You are funny after all.

I DO know a "bit" about Javascript. And it's entirely possible for an extension to log keystrokes, and mouse movements (look at services like Hotjar & CrazyEgg & Grammarly that have built entire businesses around Javascript doing this on people's websites/browsers). It's also possible for a script to trigger both keystrokes and clicks on your behalf too.

And while a script might not currently do it, extensions and remote scripts can change/"update" at anytime (and web browsers don't even alert you of the updates (or the changes in them)). Even if the code is open-source on GitHub - it's often the case that it's not downloaded from there and the version in the Extension/PlayStore may have had modifications/additions done to it (legitimately [usage tracking] or illegitimately [keytracking/session scrapping]).

If you don't entirely trust the developer/business who created a browser extension - don't install it.

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53 minutes ago, R-Walker said:

I DO know a "bit" about Javascript. And it's entirely possible for an extension to log keystrokes, and mouse movements (look at services like Hotjar & CrazyEgg & Grammarly that have built entire businesses around Javascript doing this on people's websites/browsers). It's also possible for a script to trigger both keystrokes and clicks on your behalf too.

And while a script might not currently do it, extensions and remote scripts can change/"update" at anytime (and web browsers don't even alert you of the updates (or the changes in them)). Even if the code is open-source on GitHub - it's often the case that it's not downloaded from there and the version in the Extension/PlayStore may have had modifications/additions done to it (legitimately [usage tracking] or illegitimately [keytracking/session scrapping]).

If you don't entirely trust the developer/business who created a browser extension - don't install it.

If you know about Javascript just review the code and you will see that is completely harmless. 

If you see any danger on it you have seen too many hacker movies.

Someone that does know about Javascript does not write a post like you do, they simply check the code and know what is doing. 

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4 minutes ago, R-Walker said:

Please post the code and I'll review it.

It is posted already , you are posting in the wrong post. This post is just nonsense from beginning to the end. Check my profile , you will see it there 

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2 minutes ago, R-Walker said:

I see it now. Great script, but I think you'll find most people will want to be using it to block you for being a confrontational hot-head that's too quick to respond with a put down than add value to this community.

var users = ['jlz'];

They are free to use it that way if they wish so, No problem.

You are the one that is calling others hot-head.

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