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I tried a few deferent strategies when I buy my shares in the demo account. Sometimes I buy when shares just start going up and some times I waited for the shares to have had a good run going up. But every time the moment I buy a share the price goes down and down and down. I do understand the this would happen sometime but is it really possible to happen every single time when I buy a share? I even thought that  maybe the system was designed to do that or I am doing something very wrong. Can anyone maybe give me some tips or advice about this?  

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It odd you should say that entry is not an issue for me its when to get out. I tend to use a 50 EMA 200 EMA cross. Though I differ some times I use a MACD cross.  If you think about it logically its gonna go up or down so all you need is a small reason to pick one side. To me the hardest thing is when to take profits or get out. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 26/05/2022 at 14:44, Karma said:

It odd you should say that entry is not an issue for me its when to get out. I tend to use a 50 EMA 200 EMA cross. Though I differ some times I use a MACD cross.  If you think about it logically its gonna go up or down so all you need is a small reason to pick one side. To me the hardest thing is when to take profits or get out. 

Hi @Karma and thank you. Could you maybe explain the 50 EMA 200 EMA cross to me. I am still very new to this and it all sounds creek to me

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From the indicator Tab choose Exponential Moving Average 50 and 200 and I coloured 50 blue and 200 black when 50 crosses and goes down Sell (go Short) and when crosses and goes up Buy (go long).


In the example below I would short but between me and you I used to use lot of indicators to confirm I finding when price goes below 200 or 50 EMA stays there a while and when above vice versa so use this as this generates more signals.


I must confess I use on commodities and indices mostly which have high volume. To be honest I made bulk my cash buy and holding but trading for 2 years I only go on times of high volatility. But if can be of any help let me know.






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Well, first of all, it is not worth investing the last money if you do not have savings and a deposit in the bank. If a bank goes bankrupt, the state will return the money to depositors, but there is no such insurance on the stock exchange, you can lose everything. Moreover, the fall in the value of securities occurs much more often than bank failures. You can read about effective strategies for investing in stocks at https://daytradereview.com/seeking-alpha-review/, but I would advise you to start with the simplest strategy - buy securities, and sell them at a higher price after a certain time. It is worth noting that it is not luck that plays a key role here, but how well you analyze the market.

Edited by Typsish
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On 17/06/2022 at 18:26, eastside said:

if it goes down try selling? its only a demo a/c

i.e. going short you may wish to use the IG Academy. I been in financial industry 20 years and was a trained stock broker before I started trading and I found hard. You may wish to go to basics.

google ig academy.

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3 hours ago, Karma said:

IG Academy

Thanks @Karma

Yes, a good starting point will be to visit our IG Academy which has a huge range of resources to help you sharpen your trading skills. Choose to learn however – and wherever – it suits you.

Live sessions to learn directly from our experts at live webinars and in-person trading seminars. Whatever your trading style or experience level, you'll find a wide range of topics to suit you.

Online trading courses to develop the skills of trading - from first steps to advanced strategies - with our interactive courses. Learn at your own pace, checking your understanding with practical exercises and quizzes.

Visit the IG Academy to get started: https://www.ig.com/uk/learn-to-trade/ig-academy


All the best - MongiIG

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