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IG's service

Guest Zero


After the treatment I received today from IG I am considering closing my account.  TOTALLY PATHETIC.  Absolutely rubbish.  I am not happy and will make that known seeing as "nothing" can be done for me. 

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12 answers to this question

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Hey ,


I've moved your post here, as I feel it’s a bit more appropriate to this board and not relevant to the trade of the month competition.


I appreciate your frustration with the situation that happened on your account recently, and understand that you’ve already discussed this with several of our staff directly. If our Trading Services department haven’t been able to provide a satisfactory resolution to you then we do have a formal process that you can choose to pursue in order to escalate the issue further. Full details of this can be found at the following link:




Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.





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Thanks for your post Luke and for taking my "issue" to heart.


I guess it would be nice to get other points of view on what happened so as to give me a different perspective, and hope I am not being unrealistic in my expectations.  Yet out of respect for IG and for my broker here in Aus. I'll keep this to private discussions - yet as you (hopefully) know and others on the forum - I am a big supporter of IG.  So my post yesterday gives you some idea of my feeling. 


I put it in trade of the month as the trade connected to my issue was on my mind as a good trade pre-and post the drama.  Sorry if I was taking liberty of the forum. 


Thanks again, cheers. 



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To add some context - IG have always been excellent in their service - and Luke's response to my post and in general this forum gives an indication how strongly IG value their clients and their reputation of having a high level of service.


However, if I can suggest an important point to consider: My issue is coming from a trader's perspective and this may be lost or forgotten from the "other side" (ie. dealing desk: it is a little annoying that the brokers have to be a buffer between frustrated clients and a mysterious and almost beyond reproach dealing desk.).  As a trader, my issue warranted the response I made yesterday (obviously too after a seriously heated day of trading) - and I still can't accept IG's position or answer rationally, even though I have accepted it.


But - as a trader I live off the markets.  I wear all my mistakes, and a lot of the time random weird events outside my control that cost me (internet failure for example).  As well, I pay my broker before I get paid.  Fine - I am happy doing this - yet when contacting a dealing desk, who are taking little if no risk, get paid at the end of the week regardless (how much I don't know but I am assuming a lot), and seem to have an out for any "mistake" they make with reasons that are often unhelpful or just don't make sense - it doesn't help.  It is not necessarily the money - I can make that back.  But it is a trading psychology and a broker-client relationship that is more important and maybe unrealised unless you actually trade.  I am depending/relying on and trusting you/IG - not fighting against you.  


So if anything, or if I can make a suggestion, it would be perhaps helpful for IG to consider this.  Maybe get all your brokers or dealers to earn their salary for a month by trading?   That would be interesting and could only be useful to them?


But thanks again Luke/IG. 


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Zero I obviously don't know the context of your issue.

I just want to mention that I have had issues resolved in a satisfactory manner however it did take some time.

Rather than argue with the dealers I found management were willing to get invoved and this is where a compromise was reached.


I hope this helps.





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  Thanks mate.  I should have done what you suggested but I guess I am doing it here.  I don't have time for this and guess I expect to be treated differently.

At the end of the day my relationship with IG has been negatively impacted, despite me trying to de-escalate it and just get it out of the way.  I still don't feel the dealing desk appreciates this. 

I am not going to be vindictive, but it has had an impact that will last.




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Hey Zero,


I'm sorry to hear that you feel our service hasn't met the high standard we set for ourselves. Don't feel you're taking liberties with the Community, it's a place for honest and open debate and I know  has just moved the post to ensure the Trade of the Month thread remains on topic. 


If you do feel your issue hasn't been dealt with correctly or fairly, do let our helpdesk know in writing and they can take another look.




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Thanks  Dan,


While I have moved on, it is probably a better time to make contact with the help desk now things are "calmer", so thanks for the suggestion.

I believe they local lads were trying, but maybe just don't get it.  For the whole thing (the issue and the response) it seemed like that anyway.  If I was to put anything in writing it would be more-so as "feedback" and not a complaint, so that might be useful to HQ. 

Anyway, appreciate your encouragent and high standards here too.  Cheers.

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That's no problem at all . Even as you say, if it just comes in the form of feedback, this will still get taken seriously and looked into by our Trading Services team accordingly.






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About 10mins ago got a call from "my" broker (IG of course) letting me know there are some dividends coming out of IG's ASX-index this afternoon (13.5 pts).  Just in case that would affect anything I might be doing.


While I can't say for sure whether it will, regardless, that service is gold !   Personalised, thoughtful (I trade often around then with binaries) and very helpful. 

I am most impressed. 

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Another extremely high level of service from IG again this arvo.  A small glitch in the matrix perhaps - something odd happened and it could have been dividend related.  Anyway, my broker offered to honour a rejected trade without my even asking (I was on the phone to him wondering about the glitch - which seemed to fix itself in minutes).  Brilliant. 


Really impressed!  Thanks. 


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