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Anyone signed up for this yet? By an amazing coincidence the company TeamFX managed to get 3 puff pieces in the papers (Metro, Sun and Daily Mail) concentrating on the star trader Dan Legg who apparently made illons  trading on a shoestring in a matter of days.

These cons come round every 3 years or so where the gullible journo is shown some unbelievable trading statements, hired cars and a hired private jet, you only need these for an hour or two for the photo shoot.

How this works, no sure about this one specifically but in general the star always has a service to sell, it might be signals at 2k a month (20k for life time sign up) or hands you over to a dodgy broker (for a backhander) or perhaps some very expensive mentoring, trading rooms etc. With exposure like this there will be thousands queuing up to be relieved of their money. 

Often these front guys have backers, I seen one promo where the guy puts a bank card into a cash machine to show his 200k balance, a bright spark zoomed in on the card and it had someone else's name on it. Sometimes they are just lone chancers, I saw one promo where the guy goes off to get the keys to show off his new super car and can be heard in the background asking his mum for dad's car keys 😂

These guys are always on instagram where you can delete any negative feed back to your posts and of course with the money rolling in you don't actually need to risk it trading.


Didn't actually read this but just noticed in the bullet points he only charges a thousand pounds so that's all right then 😉



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  • 10 months later...

Hi - I graduated from Business - interned at a few Investment banks - then got a job on the graduate programme at a large investment bank in London. To get there it took tremendous commitment and focus. After that I traded for several investment banks, running huge amounts of risk capital.

These stories you hear of drop-out guys - who suddenly become millionaires at a young age are all false, its designed to suck you in. It plays on the psychological theme that 'anyone' can make a success of trading. Some of the brightest minds in hedge funds and investment banks cannot make sustainable returns - therefore someone without any economics or maths background/trading experience has no chance. Just think about some of the brightest economists and quantitative analysts sitting on an FX trading desk at 6am on a Monday developing trade ideas - and even they cannot get it right all the time. Unfortunately in life there is no fairy tail stories. 


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