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Exhale_Trading last won the day on October 19 2018

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  1. The native PRT function for volume profile needs real volume what IG doesn't offer so I do not think you can activate it. This was at least the situation when I asked for it 2 years ago.
  2. The IG Labs API forum is literally drowning in spam again! The lack of maintenance there is really a shame. 😔
  3. Give IG a call and they will fix it for you (been there, done that).
  4. I'm aware of this possibility but isn't there another way? I want to work with it programmatically and would need a list giving ETF symbol with respective epic. It's not feasible to look up all epics by hand one by one.
  5. Thanks James, this was of great help. Where can I find the epic for each ETF so I can trade it via the API?
  6. And you are talking about the search box of the trading platform?
  7. Where can I find a list of the US ETFs which are tradable with IG? I can't receive market data for those via the API (same as for stocks), correct?
  8. I found a usable csv for US stocks at: http://www.rightline.net/calendar/ I'm still searching for a similar list for FTSE 350 stocks.
  9. Does anybody know where I can download an earnings calendar for 2019 in CSV format? Especially I'm looking for the earnings dates of stocks listed in the S&P 500 and FTSE 350.
  10. You are correct, neither IG's version, nor PRT premium show your account balance and so on. This shortcoming has been known for a long time. Why it is the way, I can't tell.
  11. I'm searching for a list of the FTSE350 companies that also gives the (super)sector for each stock. 10-11 sectors would be perfect like financials, healthcare and so on.
  12. Anybody with an IG account and basic programming knowledge can do so. The client sentiment is easy to retrieve via the API. So you can program your own little tool to show all the sentiments you want to see, rank them or do whatever you desire.
  13. Google finance stopped working some time ago but yahoo finance still works (at least for EOD). Alpha Vantage has also free intraday data.
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