Please note that our trading hours on some markets will be changing for US Independence Day 2024. Check the table below to see how the changes could impact your trading. All times are listed in British Summer Time (BST).
Wednesday 3 July
US equities close early at 6pm. All Sessions shares will be available to trade until 10pm.
US index futures close early at 6.15pm. We’ll offer out-of-hours pricing from 6pm until
Hi All,
With the upcoming Lunar New Year, there will be some changes to certain markets between 9th February 2024 to 16th February 2024.
Note- All the timings stated below are listed in Singapore time (SGT).
Friday 9 February
China A50 will remain open. China H-Shares will close early at 12pm and priced out-of-hours.
Hong Kong HS50 and Hong Kong Tech Index will close early at 12pm and be priced out-of-hours.
There will be a few changes to our opening hours on Martin Luther King Day. Please make sure that you’re familiar with the changes, as they may affect your trades. Please note that all times are listed in GMT:
Monday 15 January 2024
US equity markets are closed.
US index futures close early at 6 pm. We’ll make out-of-hours prices on Wall Street, the S&P 500, the US Tech 100, and the US Russell 2000 until futu