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New share dealing platform



We've released our new Share dealing platform. 

This includes the following: 

  • News workspace
  • Filter and search
  • Better charts
  • The deal ticket 
  • Alerts
  • News and analysis
  • Account balances


You can find our walk through video on our website:  https://www.ig.com/uk/help-and-support/investments/share-dealing-and-isas/how-do-i-use-the-share-dealing-platform

Give me any feedback you have and I will happily pass it onto the developers. 


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I am very interested in a share dealing account. Can I ask its not the same as spead or cfd trading? No margins? 


Do you have any other videos on learning with the share dearling account. I do have a demo and have all acces to shares but would it be better off trading with a share dealing account due to commission and fees lower? Thanks for your time 


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On 13/02/2020 at 08:04, Guest Marc said:

When will dividend reinvestment be integrated into this platform?

This is something we're looking into. It's a big project. As soon as I have updates I will let you know. 

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On 18/02/2020 at 19:38, Trevbeats said:

I am very interested in a share dealing account. Can I ask its not the same as spead or cfd trading? No margins? 


Do you have any other videos on learning with the share dearling account. I do have a demo and have all acces to shares but would it be better off trading with a share dealing account due to commission and fees lower? Thanks for your time 


It's not the same as our leveraged accounts. You're going and physically buying shares. 

What is it you would like from the videos/ help guides as I can try to find/ make them for you.

Also if you call our helpdesk team they will be able to tell you what commission/ spread is more cost effective for you. 

All the best. 

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Lovevly thank you Charlotte,

I guess I want to know is it better for me fees wise to buy shares rather then buy shares of the platform dealing

Thanx again C 

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