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I have just tried to put on a sell position on usdjpy now, 13:17 24/6/20 and 3 times it says position not filled due to price movements. This is usdjpy we're talking about, its London lunchtime period and I haven't ben filled. The market was not moving, the position size was £1/ pip. What kind of liquidity providers are you using where I cant even put on £1 a position on a slow moving pair?! What will happen if I try a larger position?!?!

I've noticed this a few times now. 

Does anyone else use another broker too because this is just unacceptable. 

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2 minutes ago, Situation said:

Does anyone else use another broker too because this is just unacceptable. 

I think they are all the same, more or less.  IG might be slightly better than others.

Punter loss rates are about the same with all of them too.

Although apparently some of them DO bet against their clients, like Plus500 (IG apparently doesn't, but it's not legally bound not to so that may change).  I think Plus500 is Israeli, so doesn't surprise me that it's dodgy.

Yeah, basically they all know that their punters are gullible losers.

Edited by dmedin
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8 minutes ago, Situation said:

Its just happened on the dax now. same £1 sell, price is static but says price is moving. Tried 4 times. 

Im going to start looking for another broker now. 

I've had 4 trades on the Dax this morning and only had to retry once, you sure there is nothing wrong with your connection? 

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6 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

I've had 4 trades on the Dax this morning and only had to retry once

the fact that you mentioned you had to retry once means this is something that happens often. There was a time it never happened and then started to randomly happen but certainly shouldn't happen with a small size like £1/ per pip . I'll try with google chrome. but i'm looking elsewhere too. will update. 

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11 minutes ago, Situation said:

the fact that you mentioned you had to retry once means this is something that happens often. There was a time it never happened and then started to randomly happen but certainly shouldn't happen with a small size like £1/ per pip . I'll try with google chrome. but i'm looking elsewhere too. will update. 

when you have 50 point 1 minute candles it's not surprising to need to take a couple of stabs at it.

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37 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

when you have 50 point 1 minute candles it's not surprising to need to take a couple of stabs at it.

Is that what you do, I bet you put on crazy amounts like £10 per point so a ten pip move in your favour is worth the time and effort.  Which it isn't if you're betting 50p a point.

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Its a known bug on their platform. I spoke to someone about it couple of weeks ago but no eta on fix, could be months. Its been ongoing for a few months from what I've experienced. The price appears static but the underlying market has moved (esp in fx, and indices) so the price you see on screen is stale therefore when you go to execute at that price, it comes back with an error (understandably). The only way around this is if you notice an obvious error like the price not moving in indices and fx then the bug has started, you can "fix" the issue by refreshing the browser and then prices will start moving again. Browser choice is irrelevant. 

I've noticed a few of these IT bugs on the IG platform recently - much more than in previous years. Also realised that if you start trading too much they turn off your trading module in PRT (it goes red) and start delaying prices and execution by a couple of seconds (I've had to time and video it, as I couldn't believe my eyes at first that they were seriously doing this 😂🤯😕). Never noticed that happening for the last 10yrs I've been using it so it seems like a new intervention these last few months to stop traders making too much money off them. Unfortunate they are doing this but it is what it is.

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Haha ! Well, what do you know, I fell for it again right now even though I was aware of the bug. Nasdaq and Dax prices were both frozen (every other price was fine) and when I went to execute, I got the usual error message about the price moving. Its happening pretty frequently now.

I'm a bit surprised IG have not commented on this issue more publicly or why they are not fixing this as a priority given no one can trade (literally) on stake prices.

Edited by phoenix
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1 hour ago, phoenix said:

Its a known bug on their platform. I spoke to someone about it couple of weeks ago but no eta on fix, could be months. Its been ongoing for a few months from what I've experienced. The price appears static but the underlying market has moved (esp in fx, and indices) so the price you see on screen is stale therefore when you go to execute at that price, it comes back with an error (understandably). The only way around this is if you notice an obvious error like the price not moving in indices and fx then the bug has started, you can "fix" the issue by refreshing the browser and then prices will start moving again. Browser choice is irrelevant. 

I've noticed a few of these IT bugs on the IG platform recently - much more than in previous years. Also realised that if you start trading too much they turn off your trading module in PRT (it goes red) and start delaying prices and execution by a couple of seconds (I've had to time and video it, as I couldn't believe my eyes at first that they were seriously doing this 😂🤯😕). Never noticed that happening for the last 10yrs I've been using it so it seems like a new intervention these last few months to stop traders making too much money off them. Unfortunate they are doing this but it is what it is.

Interesting, thanks for the post. On the mt4 platform sometimes you will see price stick but only for a second or 2 and I've just presumed there were no ticks going through, is that duration the same as the web based platform of are the halts longer?

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9 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

Interesting, thanks for the post. On the mt4 platform sometimes you will see price stick but only for a second or 2 and I've just presumed there were no ticks going through, is that duration the same as the web based platform of are the halts longer?

The PRT platform has a delay on price changes, never notice it stick, generally between 2-10 secs. It used to be zero lag 2mths ago but as of the last 3-4 weeks theres been a definite change in their policy as its obvious they are throttling to some extent. On the web platform, once the price sticks it never changes thereafter, be it for 1m or 60m later that price stays the same. The rest of the watchlist has prices changing second by second perfectly fine, it's only that one market thats stuck. Once you refresh the window its fine, everything changes and prices are live.

Its only happened on the Dax and the Nasdaq, all the of the other indices and fx markets on my watchlist are always fine, they never stick on prices. Funnily enough, I only ever trade..... Dax and Nasdaq..... Let the conspiracy theories begin 🤔😂

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12 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

when you have 50 point 1 minute candles it's not surprising to need to take a couple of stabs at it.

yeah that would make sense but £1 lol! that is either really **** liquidity or platform problems. 


11 hours ago, phoenix said:

Its a known bug on their platform.

that's really interesting, thanks for letting us know. Im going to see how it goes. 

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14 hours ago, phoenix said:

The PRT platform has a delay on price changes, never notice it stick, generally between 2-10 secs. It used to be zero lag 2mths ago but as of the last 3-4 weeks theres been a definite change in their policy as its obvious they are throttling to some extent. On the web platform, once the price sticks it never changes thereafter, be it for 1m or 60m later that price stays the same. The rest of the watchlist has prices changing second by second perfectly fine, it's only that one market thats stuck. Once you refresh the window its fine, everything changes and prices are live.

Its only happened on the Dax and the Nasdaq, all the of the other indices and fx markets on my watchlist are always fine, they never stick on prices. Funnily enough, I only ever trade..... Dax and Nasdaq..... Let the conspiracy theories begin 🤔😂

so two concerns, price freeze on the web based and possible covert throttling on the PRT.  I remember 2 cases where IG said they didn't like the way someone was trading and implemented a size cap on their trades but that was completely open and very much of  the 'and we don't give a ****  if you don't like it' nature.

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