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How to login to Demo SB account not CFD account




I am using an api to connect to IG.  My UK account logs in with the demo api details straight to the CFD account.  When i use the live account details it logs staright into the SB account.

Does anyone know how i can set the demo api login to default to the demo SB account.  I have looked in IG interface and cant find a thing.


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2 answers to this question

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14 hours ago, Sjg1234 said:


I am using an api to connect to IG.  My UK account logs in with the demo api details straight to the CFD account.  When i use the live account details it logs staright into the SB account.

Does anyone know how i can set the demo api login to default to the demo SB account.  I have looked in IG interface and cant find a thing.


Hi @Sjg1234,

Please reach out to webapisupport@ig.com with your account ID. The demo account are usually auto allocated. The API IT team will be able to change the account for you.

Thank  you - Arvin

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22 hours ago, Sjg1234 said:


I am using an api to connect to IG.  My UK account logs in with the demo api details straight to the CFD account.  When i use the live account details it logs staright into the SB account.

Does anyone know how i can set the demo api login to default to the demo SB account.  I have looked in IG interface and cant find a thing.


You can use the REST API /session put method to switch the account (I am using this in my code and it works fine).

Check out the documentation for the Session endpoint then scroll down to the PUT method, here you will see how to set the defaultAccount  and accountId:


I hope this helps.

Edited by andysinclair
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