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PRT volume indicator for SB accounts



Hello Ig,


Volume has now been added to ig charts but how long do you expect to be added to PRT?


l spoke to someone on the phone and they said you were working on it. l did sign up to PRT on SB but didn't keep it active as l was especially after the volume indicator which l can get on the free end of day PRT.


Many thanks





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Hey Benji,


Welcome to the Community. I know we've been looking into adding Volume to the ProRealTime spreadbetting charts, however due to the increase in data that we would be sending to PRT it's actually quite a complex matter. Our technical architects are looking in to the feasibility of this, however it may be some time before the project will get off the ground I'm afraid.


We'll let you know if we get any updates.



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Just a quick comment to say thanks for asking the volume question as I hadn't even noticed that volume had been put on the basic charts and through reading this post, I've learnt something new today.


That may also raise the point that IG should advertise any developments a bit better. Or maybe it's just that I need to read my emails in more detail. Either way thanks IG for the new indicator.



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Hello Tim,


Thank you for your reply.


l have had a couple of thoughts on this and l don't know how praticle it could be:


End of day volume data could be a good start and would be something l would be enormously interested in seeing on the IG/PRT plateform, it would mean we could at least have daily data to analyse without added increase in data in a live feed to you.


I am speculating now, how far could the possibilities be pushed, by having end of period volume data for periods of 5 min increments would see a dramatic reduction in data being sent?


l don't know if CFD have live volume data but all things being relative could SB not use this volume data? 


Love to hear anything you have to say on the matter..


Best regards







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Thanks for your thoughts on the matter. I do have some good news to give and to say that progress is being made with regards to having tick volume data on the ProRealTime platform. 


With that said I will not be able to give a specific timeline however once I get some more definitive news I will be sure to let you know.


Rest assured I am as excited as you are about this! 

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Hi  - I am new to IG.com and have also raised the question of volume on PRT for spread betting.


Any further news on this? I find IG's web based charts too slow and it burns the performance of my Mac. Volume is such a key indicator and PRT works so well, keen to know when this will finally be resolved.


Any news on progress?



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Guest TimP



I will look to get an update for you with regards to this. As soon as I get something in terms of plans or timelines I will let you all know. 


With regards to the issues of performance you are having naturally that is not expected behavior and so we would love the opportunity to help resolve this issue with you. Do give us a call sometime and a member of the technical support team will be glad to help. 



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Hi  ,  and 


Some promising developments. The technical work has been completed for this feature and is currently being tested. Barring any unforeseen issues with the development work, we’re hoping to go live at the end of the month.


I’ll let you know if there are any further updates.




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I am also very keen to see volume introduced in PRT's chart package for spread betting. It's arguably the most important indicator there is for most instruments. Is there a firm date for it's introduction yet?


Thank you. 

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There is only a small amount of development work left to be completed for volume on PRT spreadbetting charts, so we should hopefully have some positive news soon. We haven't got an exact data yet, as we'll first need to run some tests and then choose an appropriate release data, but rest assured a lot of progress has been made!



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Hello  and  l have recently re-initiated PRT looking forward to see the Volume indicator but was disappoint not to see it there...?


Another dislike with PRT with the size of lists being very small and l couldn't compare all the stock l wanted with each other.. also the available pre-selected lists, ie 'UK Top 100 A-I', 'UK Top 100 J-Z' etc... these two issues are interrelated, for the UK lists there are just the example ones l mentioned in two different 'UK Top 100' lists... there are plenty of instruments in lists that have very little relevance to me, 'Belgium', 'France', but what l need is a full list in one list for UK stocks, UK100, UK250 etc, l did start putting together my own UK250 List but it would have been in several Lists and no good as l couldn't compare them as well as spending a lot of time inputting this basic data..


I do use http://shareprices.com/ and l can look at  http://shareprices.com/ftse250 for example and rearrange the stocks increasing/decreasing order of Price, Change % and Day's Volume which l am particularly interested in, this data is what l would like to see on IG and PRT so can look at the charts of these companies very quickly, l feel IG is particularly weak in this area... 


Many thanks with all your efforts so far






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Guest Futures

Hello Guys,


Its an old thread but i see some securities showing volume while some not


Q1. Is their a list where i can find which ones are showing the volume

Q2. This volume is it coming from CME futures or is it for Forex also.


Please respond when you can




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